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  1. F

    The Negative Battery Terminal and Ground

    If the negative is connected to an engine block or other metal surface of the car, where do the electrons go? So, we've got a negative on the dead battery going to a piece of metal on the car(not the negative on the good battery). How does this complete the circuit? I am confused because as far...
  2. F

    The Negative Battery Terminal and Ground

    How is it that we don't get shocked by electricity when we touch the parts of the engine or even other metal surfaces on the car?
  3. F

    The Negative Battery Terminal and Ground

    In most directions I have found about jumping a car battery it directs to start with the positive terminal of the good car battery to the positive terminal of the dead car battery. Then from the negative of the dead car battery to an area on the engine block of the car with the good battery. One...
  4. F

    Q's about Capacitance

    Ahh, so a load actually gets the energy it converts to some other form whether it be light, heat, etc. via these photons? Does current carry joules to be used as energy or does it emit these photons to provide energy? Or is it the magentic fields that are created by their motion that provides...
  5. F

    Q's about Capacitance

    What is displacing the electrons? If there is a gap, an open circuit, how can electrons be moving at all? There is no last electron to push, it's not going to move into nothingness, so how can the electrons behind it be moving?
  6. F

    U.S. - 3 Phase primary wiring on uitlity poles

    From what I've been reading, phases are the description of how much current and voltage lead each other. These wires have fields around them, so it makes me wonder: We have three phase wires on our utility poles; A, B, C. Are these three phases in phase with each other? Or are they different...
  7. F

    If a battery terminal has two wires connected to it?

    Thanks a mill everyone, you've been a load of help getting me further along on this. I love this forum, great people here. =)
  8. F

    How does a transformer work?

    Awesome, thanks a lot everyone. Something kicked in. Now I'm getting excited, I should sell that!!
  9. F

    If a battery terminal has two wires connected to it?

    Oooh, is that it, because the two hots coming into the house are different phases? So, if you contacted the one hot at two different points then the no potential difference thought would hold. Like with the battery terminal idea above... We wouldn't ever have two wires from the same phase...
  10. F

    How does a transformer work?

    Ok, I think that's where the confusion is. In AC: I was thinking current comes from something created. It doesn't, energy is created, current is just a means of getting that energy across. Watts are expended, current(electrons) is not. Electrons can bounce back and forth, the same ones could be...
  11. F

    How does a transformer work?

    Amazing stuff. From my readings, Ohm's Law, when resistance is the same; while voltage drops, current drops. I think is causing me trouble understanding the shift from DC to AC. In DC I understand how electrons desire to reach the positive side of a circuit. But now in AC, this desire doesn't...
  12. F

    If a battery terminal has two wires connected to it?

    I see the similarity between AC and DC as you have explained it and now realize that there's the fundamental understanding that I don't have to answer my question. From my readings, I know that the batteries are in series. I know that the voltages will add up when they are aligned as such. What...
  13. F

    How does a transformer work?

    Yes, voltage, therefore even less current will flow as long as the resistance stays the same. This would make me think that now we have even less than 65 amps to work with. We might have 20 amps supporting an entire facility? Help?!
  14. F

    If a battery terminal has two wires connected to it?

    Ok, so nothing would happen if the cables were connected to the same side of the battery, we all agree on this? Because this is a stepping stone to my next question concerning why this is different in AC. I would think that on the battery, that nothing would happen. I would have guessed that...
  15. F

    How does a transformer work?

    Thanks for the reply. I am wondering this: I saw a utility pole marked with a tag that stated it was rated to support 65A. But this line supplied a huge machine manufacturing facility. It is connected to a transformer and I am wondering how this 65 amp line could possibly be powering this...
  16. F

    If a battery terminal has two wires connected to it?

    If a battery terminal(just one side of polarity) has two wires connected to that side, then the end of those two wires touched, what would happen? That isn't a short is it? Would the difference in potential be considered the same thus causing nothing to happen? Thanks in advance.
  17. F

    How does a transformer work? Transformer description on Wikipedia According to that picture, I am guessing that that is how a step down transformer would look like. Less windings on the right-hand side. If that's so, would a step up transformer have more windings on the...