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  1. Manator

    A board I wouldn't use again .

    I like those boards that SBS supplies, here is a picture of one I installed a few years ago now.
  2. Manator

    Welcome to

    Awwe bless, looks like another data installer has found some electrics. Come on lets look at High Voltage, Mains Voltage and low Voltage.  I would like to un hide this topic so people have the opportunity to see what is wrong with our industry at the moment. I am still perplexed as to how we...
  3. Manator

    price help needed

    As it is items for sale, and not actually advertising a service or product I think we can let this slide. If however any more listings come up with outside links I may take another view.
  4. Manator

    High ZS on new building

    What you have to remember is that every single connection introduces a resistance, normally these would be negligible but given the amount of connections in your circuit I would say that the readings are near normal. Remember that Zs can be calculated, so if your R1+R2 is 1.57 and your Ze is...
  5. Manator


    That is very good advise, and one that should be followed. I had to write a 500 word thesis once, when I finished writing what I wanted to say I had over 2,000 words. Eventually when I cut out everything that did not matter or was not vital to the project I managed to get a concise 500 word...
  6. Manator


    I like applied and pure maths, its what keeps me awake at nights. The problem is that more than one equal was required when writing computer programs, so when pascal and the others started up, new symbols were used. These are not recognised mathematical symbols, rather defined argument for a...
  7. Manator

    Help with College task

    The question states that the circuits are to be split over 4 lighting circuits. Bear in mind that most lighting accessories are only rated at 16amp max. You need to do a break down of all circuits and wire them accordingly. Remember switching.
  8. Manator


    There are a lot of questions there, and to be honest each one would warrant a thread of its own. I am not sure if it is required to list the contents of a first aid box in relation to the question, others may be able to put me right on that one. the main thing on any site is to know where the...
  9. Manator

    Earth Tape As Opposed To Rod

    I have never installed one myself but have been on site when they have been installed and watched with keen interest. The tape I saw being installed was run like a ring around the building with earth rods pits at each corner for connections to the MET and the lightning conductor tapes. You...
  10. Manator

    Milwaukee charger

    I have a spare charger that is just like the one MM shows, it does 12v and 18v batteries. If you want it its yours, and your only down the road. Actually I am in central Manchester tomorrow doing a periodic, or are we supposed to call them EICR's now.
  11. Manator

    Milwaukee charger

    Steps I have a spare one you can have
  12. Manator

    The NHS - The backlash! ;)

    I am glad this is an electrician forum and not an historical forum. There is far more to history than the recent. The NHS was born in the very early years between the first and second world wars, as war became more probable, politicians were concerned about the loss of life that they witnessed...
  13. Manator

    The NHS

    Like or loath the NHS they have been there when we needed them. I still have a fond and close acquaintance with them, as am still totally NHS trained, and well trained at that. I remember the old Bedfords Tony, an arse to drive unless you could change gear correctly. I do miss my job,or role...
  14. Manator

    The NHS - The backlash! ;)

    I have worked in the NHS, I was an approved electrician to HTMO standards for both low voltage and high voltage. I left some years ago, though I still used my skills and knowledge up to Christmas this year. In January I went for an interview, it was one of those three stage jobbies, a telephone...
  15. Manator

    Gawd I feel old tonight

    My eldest grandson is 22, and calls me granddad (in public) I am getting old but not old yet :innocent Enjoy, I love all the memories I have, and now can look back and laugh at all those moments that made us a little uneasy.
  16. Manator

    Phase colours

    I have scoobed you there Sidewinder, only for your comment . Cenelec is nothing to do with the EU and it is the Cenelec maintenance program that acts to issue advances, consequently re issues of standards. Every advance and standard to a revue period determined at inception under the revue...
  17. Manator

    Was it all a game?

    Some of you are as old as I am, or older, and will remember times before we joined the EU. The only reason we joined was for equal trading rights across Europe, the common market. We were never told that as a member we would lose our sovereignty and that the EU would over rule our legal justice...
  18. Manator

    Cables in the screed

    I must admit that I did not read your full post, however I would like to know the difference between an installation that is covered with plaster. as indifference to one installed in screed. Just read your full post. I had to really didn't I. What do you want to know? Is it acceptable? yes of...
  19. Manator

    Vehicle livery gone wrong !!

    Our vans are written better than our website. Canoe take a swim :)
  20. Manator

    How did you vote?

    I find it amazing that we all suddenly become politicians. I am more of an historian than a politician, I remember things that people do and say and then without any amazement from myself retract under the lapse of time that they expect us uneducated northern brutes to forget. The true joke if...