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  1. J

    Some advice needed 2330 level 3

    Well basically iv only just started working with him, so im not sure whats going on. But my reason i wanted to go down the official apprenticeship route was the confussion with the new course being brought in. Basically from what iv been told by college tutors so far which is not very much, is...
  2. J

    Some advice needed 2330 level 3

    ok thanks, il speak with my course leader on the situation. Does this new course require you to start over from the start, or would i be able to pick up from where i ended my 2330 level 2. As i have only just started working with this electrician seems to be going well so far, i dont want to...
  3. J

    Some advice needed 2330 level 3

    Hello I am currently on my electrical installation 2330 level 2 and i have just started working for a electrician, which i hope will lead to a apprenticeship. Now i mentioned this at college and have been told that if i want to become a apprentice i have to sign up and swap over and sign up as...