Some advice needed 2330 level 3

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Junior Member
Feb 12, 2010
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I am currently on my electrical installation 2330 level 2 and i have just started working for a electrician, which i hope will lead to a apprenticeship. Now i mentioned this at college and have been told that if i want to become a apprentice i have to sign up and swap over and sign up as a apprentice before the end of march.

Can i not finish my level 2 while working in my free time, then sign up as a apprentice onto my level 3. I have been told i would need to repeat my level 2 as the qualification is changing is this true?

Seems a bit odd that i would need to repeat a qualification that i had just gained

Cheers Jamie

This is only a guess, but they may be talking about the fact that the 2330 is being discontinued and being replaced by a new qualification that encompasses a few of the 'current' qualifications in one.

I get the feeling that they are saying if you switch to an apprenticeship before the end of March, you can continue as you are, with the 2330, and then go on to your Level 3. If you switch to an apprenticeship after this time, then what you have done up to now will be lost and you will have to start the new course. (Can't remember the course number off-hand)

That's my take on it, anyway. :D

Welcome to the forum, by the way. :)

ok thanks, il speak with my course leader on the situation. Does this new course require you to start over from the start, or would i be able to pick up from where i ended my 2330 level 2.

As i have only just started working with this electrician seems to be going well so far, i dont want to put him on the spot and ask if he would be willing to take me on as a apprentice. Then again i need to know so i can plan with college

Hi mate, I'm really not up on any of this at the moment - maybe one of the others might have more idea.

Is there a reason you're after an 'official' apprenticeship.

Would it not work to complete your level 2 and then, if your still working for him, see if he'll take you on properly (on trainee wages) and fund your level 3 and NVQ3/AM2.

Like I say, I'm not sure of the pitfalls/benefits of the different options available nowadays, so it might be a case of 'take no notice of me' :)

Well basically iv only just started working with him, so im not sure whats going on. But my reason i wanted to go down the official apprenticeship route was the confussion with the new course being brought in. Basically from what iv been told by college tutors so far which is not very much, is that 2330 is being replaced. But i can continue to go onto a level 3 if i have an apprenticeship whilst still on my level 2. But if i wish to get an apprenticeship for level 3 i would have to repeat level 2 meaning a wasted year. Which im a bit sceptical on

They should offer this new course by itself right? You must be able to complete a level 3 equivalent or it might even still be called that.

I also thought that the new system was going to replace NVQ

I had planned to complete my 2330 upto level 3 then move onto 2391 inspection and testing, while still working then take my 17th edition.

it really depends on how this new course is to be structured.

I was going to convert my 2330 to the NVQ apprenticeship, which literally just meant coming in on a Thursday rather than a Monday and I didn't have to redo level 2. In the end it all fell through.

Hi Jamie

I can put your mind at rest regarding the new 2357 and continuing with the 2330. You may quote me on this - Page 25 of the Handbook for the Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Installing Electrotechnical Systems and Equipment (Buildings, Structures and the Environment) (2357-13 / 91), clearly explains Recognition of Prior Learning for elements of the 2330.

If you have completed Level 3 then you still have to do Unit ELTK302 [understanding environmental legislation, working practices and the principles of environmental technology systems] plus all performance [NVQ] units (2357-311-313, 315-318), and AM2 (2357-399).

If however, you have or intend to achieve up to level 2 you can transfer on to the 2357 and will need to take the equivalent level 3 units - 2357-302 (ELTK02), 2357-303 (ELTK03), 2357-307 (ELTK06), 2357-308 (ELTK07), and 2357-309 (ELTK08) plus all performance [NVQ] units (2357-311-313, 315-318), and AM2 (2357-399).

The main issue I see is the college trying to push you along to get onto the apprenticeship scheme for financial reasons.
