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  1. apprentice87

    13A sockets for EVs

    "Correct, he cant use resistors to reduce the charge rate either which is my point" How the heck would anyone think you could use resistors to change the amount of current something consumes?? john..
  2. apprentice87

    Economy 7 3 phase meter problem!!

    It is just SP being awkward and so are the other suppliers you approached. Fact of the matter is, yes, the meter DOES belong to SP, BUT and it is a HUGE but, if you change supplier, then the HAVE BY LAW to sell the meter to the new supplier, they have no choice in this, so, the "new" suppliers...
  3. apprentice87

    So will the ICE be banned or not?

    Petrol etc will NEVER EVER be banned.. Seen any oil companies sweating lately?? Thought not.. If they thought electric anything would take over they would simply buy the companies producing this shit and close them down. Money rules the world, and the oil companies [thank god] have more than...
  4. apprentice87

    Well it seems pointless working these days?

    Always remember that when people bought a house years ago, say the 1970's the mortgage was a lot AT FIRST but wages were going up a lot, and after a while the mortgage seemed next to nothing. I would meet people that would say "what do you think my mortgage is" laughing at how cheap it was...
  5. apprentice87

    Well it seems pointless working these days?

    On the subject of the 16 hours, you are ALL wrong.. It is only sixteen hours if you are disabled or looking after kids, anyone else it is 30 hours so far as i know. As for "a life on benefits" there are three things you should know. 1, the "ordinary" unemployed, if they do not make proper...
  6. apprentice87

    New to UK - general 13A Socket question

    Yes, and you know the best of it, These "13A" plugs and sockets. If you try to pull 13A from them for any length of time, they overheat!!! john..
  7. apprentice87

    New EV charging?

    Never seen such crap... That [the idea of bits of cable across pavements] will last until someone falls over over and is badly hurt or the cable gets damaged and someone is electrocuted.. What about blind people making their way along?? What about in the dark?? What about mothers with prams...
  8. apprentice87

    Colour blindness

    No, as the ability to distinguish colours is a requirement of the job. Be the same as if you went for a job that required you to be able to speak German, and claimed that it was "racist" as you could not.. john.
  9. apprentice87

    Hiding Overhead Cable Running Down Front of House - Regs?

    If it were me, i would just do it. It is YOUR house.. Just remember, regs mean nothing [especially to the DNO who simply do as they like] We live in a country where the prime minister is a convicted criminal, so why are you worried about boxing in a cable??? The dno will never know and if they...
  10. apprentice87

    Garden Requires 25Kw

    So far as i know the standard size cable for a single phase service is 35mm split con. The mains cable in the street will be one hell of a lot bigger than 25mm.. john..
  11. apprentice87

    Can I do ANY DIY work on business premises?

    I think you will find that it is you that has missed the point.. "an independent expert, instructed by the Coroner, to prepare a report and give an opinion on a case to help the Coroner reach a verdict." and having heard from the witness as to the "competance" of the perosn that has done the...
  12. apprentice87

    Can I do ANY DIY work on business premises?

    Now, i am not an electrician at all. I am a qualified welder but now i work for the NHS. Would i do the work you are suggesting?? DEFINITELY NOT and i have forgotten more about electrical work than you will ever know.. Ok, so you say it is a "trivial matter" and you say can do it "easy".. Ok...
  13. apprentice87

    New member. Newb question.

    Before you do any electrical work, always remember that one day, you may be called to give evidence in a coroners court, HOWEVER, what a difference to have someone come on here because the want to do things properly.. Rare to find people that actually care nowadays... john
  14. apprentice87

    Steel conduit question

    If you use a grinder you WILL cut the cables.. Cut the conduit with one of them "wheel" type pipe cutters.. Could not be much easier.. What if the conduit needs to be continuous for earth continuity though?? john..
  15. apprentice87

    2 Post Vehicle Lift - Advice Needed

    To be honest, you must be nuts.. They HAVE got a three phase meter, but cannot be bothered to come and fit it. Tell them that no worries, you are changing supplier and you will be sorted. Otherwise you are going to be spending a LOT of money to get this ramp sorted as you can forget all the...
  16. apprentice87

    Finding a meter

    How are they billing you for a meter they cannot read?? john..
  17. apprentice87

    Subbies going to the yard and carrying materials around in a car.

    I had this once.. I was doing work for a plant hirer. The foreman came and had a right go at me one day for "being late" I told them straight; I do not work for you, i work for myself, do a job, and invoice for it. I will turn up when i like.. So, i would have thought that in your case, going...
  18. apprentice87

    Is this reasonable?

    Well that is where you are wrong... You turn up, have to make sure the existing installation is suitable, install your new bit, then do the testing [no, not making sure it works] and then do the paper work. You will not do that in an hour... Then you have to provide all your equipment, a van...
  19. apprentice87

    Garden power regulations

    Just to add to the fun. I work for what is probably the biggest enterprise in the country, the NHS. EVERY socket outlet in the entire hospital is an ordinary BS1363 one. Does this mean that the entire hospital does not comply with the regs?? Please point out in law the difference between my...
  20. apprentice87

    Where's the Earth ?

    You have missed the point entirely, re-read my post.. If the EFLI is 0.000244 amps, what will happen in the event of an earth fault?? [or more to the point not happen] Now, if a person touches an exposed conductive part in these circumstances, it does NOT mean that the current that flows...