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  1. Badger

    Knowing the difference between imperial cable and metric?

    The Christmas lights keep flashing which is a pain but the battery and solar has a good amount of production keeping the vir warm and crumbling πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  2. Badger

    Knowing the difference between imperial cable and metric?

    Well our whole house is wired in vir in wooden trunking from 1960's I had to search ebay for the rubber cable as it was so difficult to get hold. Off looking great especially on those old. Rewirable. Fuses in the board πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I'll get me πŸ§₯
  3. Badger

    Christmas lights- show us yours

    christmas at badgers 2024 bis under way being installed
  4. Badger

    Broken low voltage cable

    Are you able to solder the connections and heat shrink them over
  5. Badger

    Broken low voltage cable

    Look at the voltage and type AC OR DC and purchase a new transformer from Internet of sai d voltage and type connect the broken cable correct polarity on to new transformer and your set of lights should be OK again
  6. Badger

    Winter lights, wires cut, third core.

    The power supplies that are made now generally arnt large enough to hold transformers and they now use capacitors, resistors and bridge ractifiers to reduce the voltage and convert ac to. Dc
  7. Badger

    Winter lights, wires cut, third core.

    And someone may be able to work out via tracing from light to log ht how the set is wired with a clear enough picture
  8. Badger

    Winter lights, wires cut, third core.

    I wouldn't recommend doing trial and error unless you use a proper voltage transformer not a capacitor type dropper from. Mains to low volt if I were to repair loghts myself I'd be using a proper lab style. Psu the I can connect the lights to temporary playing with wires like is really asking...
  9. Badger

    Homemade Christmas Nativity hut lights question

    Leds will. Also use less current and won't have heat in them being wasted
  10. Badger

    Will Smart meter show export electricity from excess solar panel electricity

    What is the owl software you use
  11. Badger

    Favourite job?

  12. Badger

    Favourite job?

    My favourite jobs are the cctv and networking comms cabinet wiring cat5 or cat6 where it is a mess then I get called to put it right
  13. Badger

    DIY Powerwall

    I have installed 2x solis inverters already for myself a customer with seplos Mason batteries and they've worked brilliantly I am also installing one for my aunt aswell next week same size bartery
  14. Badger

    DIY Powerwall

    I have built the seplos 14kw Mason Battery diy unit and linked to solis rai-3k-48es-5g inverter ac coupled and results have been very good we have solar when the sun is able to. Produce for charging battery back up by low sun days means a charge from. Grid on cheap overnight rate
  15. Badger

    Will Smart meter show export electricity from excess solar panel electricity

    Have you still got an old style rotary meter with dial or a digital version newer style
  16. Badger

    External Electrics

    Thats where ducting comes in handy for. Pulling additional. Cables into a area
  17. Badger

    Help! My inverter has died.

    Sooooo glad I installed enphase micros here πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
  18. Badger

    Question for the hive mind.

    I have a fused spur on the ceiling for the TV projector in a fast fix box and it looks fine tbh
  19. Badger

    Adding Sockets to Existing Ring main

    Best option if possible new circuit direct from cu to garage ad a radial and TV socket spurred from ring main for TV equipment πŸ‘πŸ˜
  20. Badger

    Consumption correlates with PV Output

    Can I ask which meter do. You have and do. You know. What the wiring connection is how it is wired into the system