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  1. K


    Well if we turn upto a job and he scratches his ar*e sits down and opens a can of special brew i will call a taxi :coat lol
  2. K


    Got some good news, just offered a sparky (friend of an uncle type thing) free labour for exchange of information and he is interested :-)
  3. K


    I'm thinking of trying for a salary based job to start off with just to get teh experinece and to have another sparky there should i F**K up or get stuck. Well i will keep loooking and having a serious think before committing, if i go for it i will keep a dairy and log it on here, give others...
  4. K


    And that's what i have been thinking, there site may not be upto date with today's current climate. However i have two kitchen fitters and some one who runs a team refurbishing houses working in my famliy so getting small jobs provided i know what i'm doing is not an issue, there is also small...
  5. K


    See it all sound's good but the thing i have to keep in mind is that this is a sales pitch, what i'm trying to do is work out if i can do this in 18 months? But what i have put above is all covered by one cost no extras
  6. K


    Ok i don't have the paper work with me but from memory it includes the following, Two city & gulids, part p, first aid, over a maxium period of 18 months with four five day praticle sessions, tutor access via web phone or a drive down to one of there centers if i get really stuck, all my...
  7. K


    None, this is why i'm trying to find as much as i can before committing to anything.
  8. K


    There is not much in my area in the way of adult eletrical courses and the company i'm in at the moment is moving in a new direction i cannot go (which is alot of cellular programming very boring) which is put time frame on doing something else, as i do not have the proof on paper with what i...
  9. K


    Hello people, Just dropped in to say Hi and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with a company call "New Career Skills", been thinking about taking course in electrics for a while and moving away from the world of IT just need to be sure with these guys as