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  1. D

    Having an absolute mare with dimmers

    Hi All As title states I'm having an absolute mare with some knightsbridge dimmers. Probably missing something stupid so come on here to have the piss took. I was there at end of day so time bit limited but changed dimmer for 2 seperate ones and although lights coming on just no dimming taking...
  2. D

    The realities of trying to test in occupied domestic properties

    Thanks SL that's very helpful. Like said in previous post the R2 test is is in deed a wander. Never thought about using it to equate the r1+r2 but lot of logic in it. Spreadsheet good idea yet to find a decent app that seems to give reliable resistance calculations 
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    The realities of trying to test in occupied domestic properties

    Thanks Murdoch good to get advice from someone on the front line lol. What do you stipulate on cert when doing this? Cheers. 
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    The realities of trying to test in occupied domestic properties

    Thanks Guys. Think I'm learning more and more that can only go so far in certain situations and rest of it is left down to judgement on where potential risks are. The wander lead comes out on practically every job now especially EICR's where it's a life saver. The thing is though even if R2 test...
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    The realities of trying to test in occupied domestic properties

    Hi all I realise I'm probably going to get shot down for this but still intrigued to know how others manage similar situations. On job today. Job was to change old Wylex CU and issue satisfactory EICR. Checked previous sparks report prior. No major issues with installation. One of the jobs to...
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    Adding sounder to door bell

    Ok thanks Geoff
  7. D

    Adding sounder to door bell

    Simple when you know how, thanks Murdoch. 3 plug in recievers and door bell all for £32
  8. D

    Adding sounder to door bell

    Evening chaps/chapess's Just wondering if any cheap options for this. Got elderly couple live in 3 floor property and having trouble hearing the door bell sounding. Not so bad when on ground or top floors as has sounder on them but don't here it on middle. Thought about ring or something...
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    Adding RCD protection to 3 phase board

    Everyday is a school day 🙄
  10. D

    Adding RCD protection to 3 phase board

    Looks like I missed the obvious Dave. Just seeing the Double module RCBO already in there and searching for online thought they was all 2 module so would be strapped for space. So standard Proteus RCBO will be suitable for this board?
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    Adding RCD protection to 3 phase board

    I no mate I noticed that. Spent loads on property but gone cheap on board. Thanks Andy I'll have a check about
  12. D

    Adding RCD protection to 3 phase board

    Thats my feeling to Andy but can't find any 3 phase RCD/RCBO boards 😂 any recommendations?
  13. D

    Adding RCD protection to 3 phase board

    Afternoon Had a job today to inspect a property prior to purchase. Big fancy place, is a penthouse suite in apartment block. Has 3 large verandas. And also a Futronix lighting system. As can see from photo is a 3 phase DB. I don't think money is a big issue to customer and in an ideal world i...
  14. D

    Voltage drop. Would you be concerned?

    Thanks SL your correct I did enter 240 for nominal voltage and at 32 metres this does still come out over 3%. The ring could be as much as 40 metres in total and lighting 10 metres. I realise it's the total drop from furthest point of circuit to origin of supply that needs to meet voltage drop...
  15. D

    Voltage drop. Would you be concerned?

    Noted need to pin them down more in future on what using it for and make more of a point that I source my own materials. 
  16. D

    Voltage drop. Would you be concerned?

    I just said that above Murdoch "The 32 amp call is mine Murdoch. Don't feel to comfortable giving him 20 as said could be various appliances down there washine machine etc and may use it for as bit of a workshop as well"
  17. D

    Voltage drop. Would you be concerned?

    The 32 amp call is mine Murdoch. Don't feel to comfortable giving him 20 as said could be various appliances down there washine machine etc and may use it for as bit of a workshop as well
  18. D

    Voltage drop. Would you be concerned?

    Get back in your box septic. That's part of the reason I posted question to see others thoughts that are more qualified/experienced than me and see if missing anything with my calcs or anything else I need to consider
  19. D

    Voltage drop. Would you be concerned?

    Thanks all for confirming. Customer has sourced some 4mm armoured and is hopeful of using that looks like will have to break the bad news. I just thought might possibly be some leeway as although design of circuit is 32 amps the likelihood of this ever being reached is pretty slim. But best to...
  20. D

    Voltage drop. Would you be concerned?

    Hi all I have a job to supply a new 2 way board in outhouse. Am planning on running it from a 32 Amp MCB in 4mm twin and earth to adaptable box to outside and then 4mm SWA from there. The twin and earth is 7 metres and the SWA about 25 metres. My calcs for voltage drop comes in at  4.7% but...