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  1. mainline

    Debate about AFDD's continued

    This one maybe cheaper.
  2. mainline

    Debate about AFDD's continued

    Admittedly but this was basically a real life situation let to run with a real loose connection fault creating a real arc that could cause a fire.
  3. mainline

    Debate about AFDD's continued

    I tried a Hager AFDD on both radial and ring final with various currents connected via a socket outlet. My conclusion was that they make little contribution to safety.
  4. mainline

    Any iTunes experts on here?

    In the iTunes app on your PC, click the iPod touch button near the top left of the iTunes window. Select the type of content you want to sync (for example, Movies or Books) in the sidebar on the left. Note: For information about using the File Sharing option, see Transfer files between iPod...
  5. mainline

    Converting consumer unit to duel.

    It may end up looking like a mess as well as being non compliant. As said replace with spd rcbo unit. What earthing system is it ? Is the 100ma rcd the only one protecting the install. ?
  6. mainline

    Is this possibly caused by poor earthing?

    IF (big if) he's registered, I would complain. Get a competent electrician in.
  7. mainline

    Is this possibly caused by poor earthing?

    It may determine if anything is actually Live. The real way is obviously to call a decent electrician in.
  8. mainline

    Is this possibly caused by poor earthing?

    Get yourself a non-contact volt stick and see if any part of the computer lights it up, not a definitive test but better than nothing. I'm assuming your keyboard is plastic with no metal exposed parts.
  9. mainline

    EV Charger Questions I think that's a definitive NO.
  10. mainline

    EV Charger Questions

    Is that what you would advise your customer to do if faced with the Dno wanting the space ? Or would you get the customer to call you so that you could tell them.
  11. mainline

    EV Charger Questions

    “While the meter cabinet is the customer’s, it is a space designed for the use of electricity industry apparatus only and no allowance is made for additional equipment. For safety reasons, we would not recommend that any internal wiring, including a consumer unit, is installed within the...
  12. mainline

    Single or DP RCBO (Debate continued, split from "old fuseboard" thread)

    DP rcbo is most beneficial in a TT earthing system where an upstream rcd is being used.
  13. mainline

    Single or DP RCBO (Debate continued, split from "old fuseboard" thread)

    That’s true but a DP rcbo will isolate the circuit that causing the trip where as an SP one won’t.
  14. mainline

    Single or DP RCBO (Debate continued, split from "old fuseboard" thread)

    A N to E fault can trip random rcbos.
  15. mainline

    Radial final circuit extend

    Nothing wrong with a well designed radial circuit/s in a kitchen .
  16. mainline

    Radial final circuit extend

    You implied by your post that a kitchen was a special location but I’m not going to dwell on the point.
  17. mainline

    Single or DP RCBO (Debate continued, split from "old fuseboard" thread)

    An Sp rcbo will not clear an N to E fault.
  18. mainline

    Radial final circuit extend

    Is a kitchen in England classed as a special location ?
  19. mainline

    Single or DP RCBO (Debate continued, split from "old fuseboard" thread)

    That would only be true when using DP Rcbos I have split these posts (From "Need help, old fuseboard changed...........") so the debate can continue. They will only serve to confuse the OP
  20. mainline

    I desperately need help! Old fuseboard replaced by an electrician but it keeps tripping and he won't respond!

    Get a decent electrician in. You can see from looking at the installation of that board that whoever did it is to say the least slap dash. I'd like to see a pic of the innards.