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  1. mainline

    Favourite job?

    The cash ones
  2. mainline

    Long time member saying hello for the first time

    Pretty Mouth hasn't been around lately. Last seen Aug 6, 2024
  3. mainline

    Long time member saying hello for the first time

    Nice to see you loz :)
  4. mainline

    Just saying hello.

    Welcome, I'm waiting for Dave and Nice now then i will feel more at home.
  5. mainline

    "Specialist" Contractors

    Not a true specialist, otherwise double that price and then leaves you thinking that a proper job has been done.
  6. mainline

    Hi from DPG

    When I went on in the evening, I noticed that a meter thread I was contributing to had been deleted. Whilst I was searching for it, I noticed that some members profiles were gone, which my first thought was the badge stuff that was being played with. I then, opened a thread asking had anyone...
  7. mainline

    Hi from DPG

    Too late, I came in the back window a few years ago and have only just got from under the bed.
  8. mainline

    Hi from DPG

    I always miss out on the drama.
  9. mainline

    Replace 2 gang faceplate with fused spur flex outlet?

    You could replace the back box with a dual one.
  10. mainline

    Just saying hello.

    It's like being on holiday here, very tranquil.
  11. mainline

    Just saying hello.

    Especially wholenut.
  12. mainline

    Just saying hello.

    The other place is on the dark side.
  13. mainline

    Just saying hello.

    I'm feeling surrounded
  14. mainline

    new AFDD's

    Contrary to common belief, AFDD’s do offer protection against arc faults in ring final circuits and to the equipment being fed from this circuit. A series arc fault in one leg however, is unlikely to be at a dangerous level so will not be detected. This is due to current in this instance flowing...
  15. mainline

    EICR prosecution

    I'm sure there are some who can make sense of what I meant.
  16. mainline

    EICR prosecution

    I think i read somewhere that they have made it a little more difficult to become part p registered, but don't quote me on it. What they should do is have a good clean up of the ones that are registered already
  17. mainline

    EICR prosecution

    You can tell most of the time if an installation is going to be unsatisfactory within about 10 mins. The rest of the time spent is finding out how unsatisfactory it is.
  18. mainline

    EICR prosecution

    Without seeing the EICR then It's hard to say, but if there were a few F1s etc then he would have been much worse off pleading not guilty.
  19. mainline

    Numpty (me) damaged 2.5 TE cable in plastered wall

    Cant see a problem with the 1.5 mm feeding the fcu. Post locked to prevent being resurrected again
  20. mainline

    What is this all about?

    Trace where the contactor is switched on from first, as it could be from another location, and you may not be able to isolate at that rcd. As I think already said, too many scenarios it could be used for.