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  1. Dairyspark

    Another Question From Me

    Hi everyone, in my never ending quest to find knowledge I have a question for you smart lot What are Triple harmonics? Cheers Bobby
  2. Dairyspark

    Tn-C-S Question

    Steps!! Come back lol
  3. Dairyspark

    Tn-C-S Question

    Well steps pretend I didn't read the above posts lol hit me with your teachings lol
  4. Dairyspark

    Tn-C-S Question

    See this is why I like this forum, you get quality answers and you don't get ridiculed for not knowing :) thanks
  5. Dairyspark

    Tn-C-S Question

    Sort of, an equal charge is formed around the cage so there is no difference in potential so no crurrent flows?
  6. Dairyspark

    Tn-C-S Question

    That does make sence, so I'm assuming by taking it further out of your house/other building your yet again increasing the distance from you to the transformer
  7. Dairyspark

    Tn-C-S Question

    Hi everybody, I'm wide awake at 12:50 and I have a question lol, I seen in a recent post that carrying a tncs Earth out to an outbuilding can be dangerous and that a tncs supply to a transportable building is a no no, I was just wondering why? Cheers Bobby
  8. Dairyspark

    Unexpected Reading Between Earth And Neutral

    What about one with a LCD display such as fluke t130? The display reads down to 6v
  9. Dairyspark

    Unexpected Reading Between Earth And Neutral

    I would use a 2 pole voltage tester for safe isolation and a multimeter to measure an accurate voltage reading
  10. Dairyspark

    Unexpected Reading Between Earth And Neutral

    One thing I have learned in my 3 years as an apprentice is listen to those with greater experience than you, and so far they are saying test the stable install, make sure it's 100% then move to the house, one step at a time, if you try and answer too many questions at once you'll end up missing...
  11. Dairyspark

    Got My New Regs Book Today.....

    So does the T110 when you press the switchable load lol I like the self test function, pretty neat :)
  12. Dairyspark

    Got My New Regs Book Today.....

    Very well done Noz that's exatly what it is haha I would also have seen this if I had read the small print under the table saying that the values have been calculated using 95% of minimum voltage haha
  13. Dairyspark

    I've Booked An Outside Job For March 20Th...

    The last solar eclipse I missed due to my door handle falling off and not being able to get out my bedroom, despite the rather loud shouting that none of my family heard as they were outside watching the eclipse haha so I must see this one!
  14. Dairyspark

    Got My New Regs Book Today.....

    No it's from the big book, just made it easier to work out on the fly as I don't always have my books with me.
  15. Dairyspark

    Anyone Seen A Supply Set Up Like This Before?

    At least it's neat and tidy haha
  16. Dairyspark

    Got My New Regs Book Today.....

    Today was a fun day lol got myself a new set of fluke test lamps (T110) and my new regs book and osg. And after a quick look through I have a question lol. Now to my understanding you could calculate max Zs by taking instant trip current and diving the voltage by said current and you got max Zs...
  17. Dairyspark

    Power Issue

    Metered it out and there was no continuity and as I started to pull it out it snapped very easily, so rest of the wire was removed and a new one installed
  18. Dairyspark

    Emergency Lighting

    I can tell you now that will never happen lol I've been told to put s light at every exit point and no where else, I auggested about flood lights for the deck and walkway of the boat and after some moaning he agreed, he even moaned about me wanting to put em lights in the office saying "a wasn't...
  19. Dairyspark

    Power Issue

    Went back tonight and after further investigation without the home owner looking over my shoulder haha back up in the loft I found the bathroom supply came from the spare bedroom switch and not the master bedroom like i firt thought, opened up the spare room switch to find supply in L1, bathroom...
  20. Dairyspark

    Emergency Lighting

    Just a rough guide on siting and installing, my boss has dumped me with fitting emergency lighting to the yard and I know a little about it like all exits have to be illuminated and stairways and yeah I googled it and it's £106 for the full thing and that's not gonna happen haha Cheers Bobby