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  1. P

    New Old Boy

    Thanks again all. I think I've taken 522.10 a bit far in my fear of going under the floor boards! I think that's what special location was trying to get across.
  2. P

    New Old Boy

    Yep cheers. Friend wants minimum plastering and he wants to do ch at same floor board rip out. Obviously if I see sharp edges etc I'll protect. Just being ott trying to prepare maybe too much.. Thanks very much for your input.
  3. P

    New Old Boy

    Ive looked at the books before I posted and came to I think the same findings. But you peeps have more experience of assessors than I so wanted to avoid trip ups. Again handled this clumsily. Will try to close thread.
  4. P

    New Old Boy

    Ok thanks all. Factory maintenance. Motor control plc automation. Got off to a bad start here assessment jitters. Will close this down. Bye
  5. P

    New Old Boy

    Oops sorry my question raised such a reaction. I was after a little help not ridicule..
  6. P

    New Old Boy

    Hmmm I didn't ask my queries as I wanted to gauge reaction to my request. I fully appreciate the frustrations of part p not controlling "handymen" buying their gear from B&Q and undercutting as they don't register/insure. Wondered if some may feel the need to vent hence my cautious approach...
  7. P

    New Old Boy

    Hi all. I'm a maintenance spark who is looking to convert to domestic. I've been helping out a local sparks for a while free of charge to gain practices and form experiences. A friend has asked me to wire a house for him and I'd like some advice but the spark I have given my free time to won't...