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  1. Ronan

    qualifications needed

    Thanks for now anyway
  2. Ronan

    qualifications needed

    Yeah one of the jobs I'm doing, building control will have to pass! I have public liability up to 2,000,000 There is emergency lighting also in this building if that needs a different cert?
  3. Ronan

    qualifications needed

    Nozspark, does that mean I should be able to pass work as I am now? I can't seem to find out for defin! Any spark around here tell different opinions, most Of them are just after a few quick quid!
  4. Ronan

    qualifications needed

    No I'm still on 16th, I'm booked in to do my 2391 so I,d prob be best waiting to get that done first. Thanks again for your help.
  5. Ronan

    qualifications needed

    Thanks, Does this cost much? And would I need to be doing a certain amount of private work? I also am sub contract from another firm so won't always be doing my own work.
  6. Ronan

    qualifications needed

    Hi I've recently being doing quite a bit of work for myself, I am a fully qualified electrician and was wondering what qualification I need to be able to pass jobs off for building control and give testing certs. It would save me getting another guy in to do it. If anyone has any idea on this...
  7. Ronan

    RCBO reverse polarity

    Check your neutral connection at the rcbo, they are usually in slightly further in than the line connection. And you can easily miss the connection when tighting it.
  8. Ronan

    self employed spark wanted

    Hi I'm interested in your add, have u long term work coming up? I'm self employed.