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  1. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    Hi Noz, What do you mean it isn't even extraneous? An extraneous conductive part is something not related to the electrical system. It certainly wasn't the fixing screws, it was an intermittent fault (sorry for not mentioning that). It wasn't my installation therefore I could not persaude the...
  2. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    Hi All, The radiator was a single isolated radiator in an outbuilding that also contained a shower cubicle and a small kitchen with a metal sink, there was a mixture of copper and plastic pipework but the radiator was fed in plastic. I recieved quite a nasty shock off of the radiator having...
  3. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    Hi Sharpend, Nice to get a response that isn't aimed at insulting me. The rusty water isn't anybody's fault it is just a fact of life, the cable getting crushed against a conductive part of the water system is somebdy's fault though and it can only be up to the electrician to sort it out. The...
  4. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    If you flush a system the water will soon get rusty again and the problem would return. I am asking how you would go about finding the fault without earthing in place. I am coming at this in an honest way, I did receive an electric shock from a radiator. Lying about such a thing would be a...
  5. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    Hi Sharpend, It's not just that it's the wording of the whole thing, it says for instance that all conductors must be earthed and the definition of a conductor is anything that conducts electrical energy e.g. metal sinks, radiators or stud partitioning. Therefore it is up to each electrcian...
  6. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    I know that there is a world shortage of copper (and that this may well be the real reason why earthing has been cut to the bone), but does anybody know if there is a world shortage of aluminium?
  7. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    Andy, That isn't discussing, forgive me but that reply is a bit of a cop-out.
  8. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    Oh that's ineresting, how do you go about finding and rectifying a fault without earthing in place? And no the radiator wasn't in direct contact with anything live. Sharpend, The idea is to drum up support amoungst the masses, I can't think of a better place to start. Blue duck, I suppose...
  9. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    Well at least no-one is denying it's possible to get a shock from a radiator this time, thats a step in the right direction. So what do you all think about regulation 8?
  10. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    Isn't it easier to earth the radiator, see which MCB trips and go and find the fault yourself? It (the radiator) was un-earthed as it was fed via plastic pipes.
  11. D

    My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

    Hi All, I didn't come on this forum to discuss one of my books, which I withdrew from circulation some time ago, I came on here to discuss the fact that I recently received an electric shock from an un-earthed central heating radiator (something that the IET and others had claimed wasn't...
  12. D

    Electric Shock From A Radiator

    Does that make a difference then?
  13. D

    Electric Shock From A Radiator

    No it certainly wasn't static, my feet were still wet from coming out of the shower and the shock was quite severe as I was putting a wet towel onto the radiator.
  14. D

    Electric Shock From A Radiator

    Hi All, I recently received an electric shock from a radiator. According to the EAWR a "conductor means a conductor of electrical energy". A radiator is made of metal and is therefore by definition 'a conductor of electrical energy'. The EAWR regulation 8 says "precautions shall be taken by...