My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

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Oct 23, 2014
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Hi All,

I didn't come on this forum to discuss one of my books, which I withdrew from circulation some time ago, I came on here to discuss the fact that I recently received an electric shock from an un-earthed central heating radiator (something that the IET and others had claimed wasn't possible under the 17th edition). I wanted/want to discuss this with regards to the wording of the EAWR regulation 8, which remains the law at present, because it was when I put earthing in terms of the EAWR on the IET forum that they banned me and locked my threads... they simply had no answers.

Should regulation 8 be changed?

At present you and I are still liable if somebody is seriously hurt!

What duck is saying is that you require a competent electrician who can thoroughly test you installation including bonding, supp bonding etc. They will then advise you as to the improvements required toake your installation safe and compliant.

Isn't it easier to earth the radiator, see which MCB trips and go and find the fault yourself?

It (the radiator) was un-earthed as it was fed via plastic pipes.

im not surprised the book is now out of circulation, since the author of it clearly doesnt understand what he is writing about. maybe i should do a book on quantum physics, we all know im an expert at that...

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Well at least no-one is denying it's possible to get a shock from a radiator this time, thats a step in the right direction.

So what do you all think about regulation 8?

and maybe this is more appropriate for this thread...


Well at least no-one is denying it's possible to get a shock from a radiator this time, thats a step in the right direction.

So what do you all think about regulation 8?
your right, no-one is denying it cant be live, but the simple fact is, it being live is caused by a fault that needs fixed. simply earthing everything is not the way to go about it

Oh that's ineresting, how do you go about finding and rectifying a fault without earthing in place?

And no the radiator wasn't in direct contact with anything live.


The idea is to drum up support amoungst the masses, I can't think of a better place to start.

Blue duck,

I suppose the conductor would be the rusty water in the system.

Come on Andy, 

I honestly can't think of an easy way to find a fault without having earthing in place, please discuss.

you go about finding the fault by calling a competent electrician, who has enough knowledge & experience of electrical systems to be able to find the fault... simple, really

I know that there is a world shortage of copper (and that this may well be the real reason why earthing has been cut to the bone), but does anybody know if there is a world shortage of aluminium?


That isn't discussing, forgive me but that reply is a bit of a cop-out.
no, its not a 'cop-out'. Any Electrician will be able to find out what the problem is. Anyway, since your a 'time served 5 day wonder' you should already know how to fault find, and know enough about earthing to write a book. oh, wait, never mind
