My Book Has Been Withdrawn.

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just thought i would point out that you would not "earth" radiators anyway, because they are not part of the electrical installation. You MIGHT bond them, but that is a different thing. Also, it is not a case of "electricians" going around having to "guess" at things, there are reasons why things are bonded, and in case of uncertainty, there are very well known tests as to whether they require bonding anyway.

Bonding everything in sight [regardless as to whether it needs to be bonded] is increasing the risk of someone having a shock in the first place.


I think it was the 15th Edition that said something like "If it's likely to become live, bond it" so you had metal windows being bonded in case someone stuck something faulty up against it and hand rails on stairwells bonded in case the cleaners hoover lead with exposed live conductors touched it.

All a load of twaddle and thankfully soon dismissed.

So, instead of spending 3 days 'discussing' it. Go fix the fault! I think there is a book on Earthing and Bonding if you need it. Can't find the link right now............................

it says for instance that all conductors must be earthed and the definition of a conductor is anything that conducts electrical energy e.g. metal sinks, radiators or stud partitioning.
If you got a shock then clearly you conduct electricity. Should we bond you? Where would we put the earth clamp?

Canoeboy said:
Dont keep us in suspense Marvo - tell more !
What I would say is don't buy it because it has no value and don't take anything written in it as anything but fiction. Because it claims to be a serious technical publication, in the wrong hands it could be downright dangerous. Withdrawing it is a small step in the right direction, a complete recall would have been a better one though.

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I hope you bought it with both eyes open as a comic/work of fiction?... ;)

You obviously know that it is no more than a work of fiction by a deluded author by now, and I trust you did before.

I agree a total recall would be in the public interest TBH.

Ok that's enough about the book, back to the subject matter, shock from a radiator whilst wet and naked? Although if you were putting the towel back on the radiator how were you wet?

Sorry I detract!

I didn't buy the book, lets just say I happened across a copy about 8 months ago. Out of principal I couldn't pay money because this would be tantamount to rewarding the author and encouraging him to proceed down the road of self publication in a field he doesn't have sufficient technical grasp of. 'Deluded' is the word that annoyingly eluded me in my previous post.

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Sharpend, I think 'the book' is the crux of this thread. Any supposedly real-life scenario Mr Cockburn has cooked up is deliberately engineered to cast a spotlight on his crowning achievement AKA his piece of kak book. Please don't waste too much of your time and energy on what is undoubtedly a red-herring.

At this time I'm retiring from this thread before I step on the wrong side of the forum rule-book. If I have already done so I apologise but I have tried to avoid direct insults.

So please enlighten us as to your background Dave? Clearly electrics is not your strong point, a little knowledge is dangerous springs to mind. But what is it that you specialised in prior to getting into electrics?


You are doing fine at this point in illustrating how dangerous the OP's ideas actually are, and how far removed from real life he is.

Have a look at this and the reviews that go with it...

As it happens i feel sorry for the author in some ways, what with all the abuse heaped upon him, but the thing is, i am working on a book from time to time on a subject i know vast amounts about, and apparently it is hard to get one published, so how has this chap found it so easy. Must have published it himself.....

Anyway, as i said i do feel sorry for the chap, but i think it is plain old wrong to write a book when you know nothing of the subject. bit like the people that publish plans [for engines and stuff] that are full of errors because they have never actually constructed the thing. Anyone can "talk a good job"

As for me and my little subject, i know that i know what i am talking about, as i have given presentations, very well received ones in fact, in front of an audience comprised of some of the top people in the field...

So there!!!


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