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  1. J

    Lights won'r come back on

    Now it isn'twhat I thought was the problem and the fuse stays off again. The mcb Isn'T off its the fuse on the opposite side within the cabinet. I'm sure you can tell i'm No expert, its a wylex box mcb's on thrE left hand side mcb's all on and the fuses on the other side, things that read b10...
  2. J

    Lights won'r come back on

    All I have actually done is switch off the light switches and turned them back on 1 by to find what i Thought was the problem. I do mean mcb angd the wiring looks normal. I live in a bugalow
  3. J

    Lights won'r come back on

    Regular lights that are running as standard. No low voltage transformer.
  4. J

    Lights won'r come back on

    The fuse for the lights in several rooms kept tripping and wouldn't stay on. I isolated the lights causing the problem and fuse would then stay on, but the lights in the other rooms wouldn't turn back on although the bulbs are working fine. I tried to switch the fuse on many times before I...