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  1. G


    All part of the rich tapestry, yes the 18th is due out imminently. Thanks for the pointers as I said. Again its about fitting it all in.. 👍
  2. G


      Its not about wanting a shortcut to working in this trade as you seem to assume but as I started out with I am "just starting out getting qualified" .. the part P bit was first up as it was available and useful to have banked.  At my stage of life things need fitting in where they can!    At...
  3. G


    So go then suggest a scheme or training that would be suitable in your view.. i'm competant in the practical aspects of installation and have had work overseen (as in working with) inspected and signed off by time served electricians. Im starting out on the qualification route working towards...
  4. G


    C&G 2393
  5. G


    Hi! Well I'm 41, soon to be married and have 2 kids ! Currently studying 17th edition and got a part P course booked for the end of May.  👍 As for background well...everything and anything practical .. mechanical, electrical, natural.. I enjoy problem solving and a challenge. 
  6. G


    Hi! Well I'm 41, soon to be married and have 2 kids ! Currently studying 17th edition and got a part P course booked for the end of May.  👍
  7. G


    Good morning all, I'm just starting out getting qualified.  Been around a bit and have renovated a few properties along the way.  Cheers for now. Greentree.