So go then suggest a scheme or training that would be suitable in your view.. i'm competant in the practical aspects of installation and have had work overseen (as in working with) inspected and signed off by time served electricians. Im starting out on the qualification route working towards being self employed and therefore self insured.
Whilst you are confident in the physical installation what do you know about the whys and wherefores of what you’re installing? What do you understand about cable calculations to ensure you are using the correct cable? What’s the importance of the Ze and Zs values? What’s the difference in the earthing arrangements of the supply? And so on.
I’d suggest if you are committed to following in the Electrical trade you need to be as serious about the training. I have been qualified for many years now and still am learning new aspects etc of the trade.
So my advice would be to invest your time on the relevant C&g courses that actually teach the theory needed to be competent. This will mean starting at the bottom with the Cg2365 and working up from there
perhaps a chat with the local college will give further guidance.
Sorry if this is not what you want to hear but you need to hear it all the same otherwise you will learn nothing but how to physically put in what you think to be correct which is dangerous.
Its not about wanting a shortcut to working in this trade as you seem to assume but as I started out with I am "just starting out getting qualified" .. the part P bit was first up as it was available and useful to have banked. At my stage of life things need fitting in where they can!
At 41 I am aware of my own skills, competancies, limitations and areas where I lack both knowledge and skill.
Maybe one day I'll ask for further help on a subject, maybe one day I could offer help on a subject.
I assume nothing, all I’m saying is that the qualification you have chosen is irrelevant on the basis it provides no useful skill set and most of the knowledge you groom from it is covered in the correct installation qualification. So why pay for something that’s non beneficial?
As for the 17th edition that will be obsolete in the coming months as soon t will be superseded by the 18th edition, so again you have been wrongly advised.
ultimately it’s your money you’re wasting I’m just merely trying to steer you on the right path.
Oh and I fully understand the ‘fitting in’ aspect, my children have grown and flown but the grandchildren are doing a grand job of filling in