17th edition revision

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Junior Member
May 18, 2010
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Hi all,

Iv recently booked my exam for next wednesday (only a week I know) :eek: and was just hoping to find out how many of you found the 2 hour exam quite easy/hard and how much revision was put in on average?

I don't a similar exam in Ireland which I passed but was hoping to get some tips about how to prepare for this one.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Depends how familiar you are with the Regs book - the answers, afterall, are all in there. :)

If you've never opened the book before, you might be in trouble trying to take it all in in a week.

If, on the other hand, you've used the book regularly, you should be alright.

It's handy knowing some of the stuff anyway and then knowing where to look in the book for the rest of the answers.

Remember, you only have 2 mins per question - that might seem a lot, but it soon flies if you start getting in a flap trying to find answers.

The only revision worth doing is practising looking up answers to questions from past papers.

This is why the course is normally run over ten weeks - 10 X two hour lessons.

The first lesson would normally deal with lay-out, scope, definitions,appendices, etc.

The next 7 lessons would deal with each section in turn, (sorting out what kind of info is kept where), and then your final two lessons would be spent on past papers.

You can see why it can't really be learnt in a week - but you might get lucky......it is multi-guess after all. :)


Have you gone for exam only? I did it with 2 days teaching before as the instructor knows the best way of getting you through it...

I found it quite easy, but then I have had jobs where referencing was important before.

If you can use a reference book well, youll peach the exam mate.

And, as has been said, the best revision is to look at past papers and practice :)

Good luck

Sound lads, (or ladies depending if you work for sky or not :^O )

that helps alot. Just gonna put the hours in from now till wed..

Also another quick question, can you make notes/references in the book????

Went for a job today with a large crowd in london and got it (depending if I get my 17th-so no pressure!!!!!) so happy days.

Anyway, il let ya's know how it goes.


Also another quick question, can you make notes/references in the book????

Hi Rob,

When I took it, the ruling was that the 'Book' had to be spotless - no marks, notes...nothing.

They actually told us that they would give us a replacement copy for the exam if they found that our own copy was marked.

This ruling tends to vary, though, and I do know people who've taken the exam with more 'post-it' notes stuck in their 'Regs Book' than there were pages. :D

The only way to know for certain is to contact your 'test' center - before you start defacing your 'Regs' for no reason. :|

I was told for mine that it should be my 'working copy' of the regs book.

Which is noted in, has a dozen post-its in, and a bit highlighted.

They didn't allow one bloke who had seen if he could rewrite the regs book into the notes section at the back in tiny writing.

Our tutor got us to put tabs in our books to help guide through on the day. I never looked at them in the exam just used the contents page to guide me the right direction.

Good luck on the day.

Book arrived today, very similar, if not a slight bit thinner than the Irish Regs.

I'd lots of notes in it when i did that exam and no one passed any remarks.

Saying that, I just used the contents page to guide my way through,

Anyway thanks again all

Robbb the bank ; -)

Passed this morning, solid week of revising and nailed it, DELIGHTED! ECS card on wed, start work next week ; -)

excellent stuff mate

how hard did you find it

did you need to go much into the book or did you remember most stuff off the top of your head

Thought it was tough to be honest, I booked a home study kit with a company called tradies down under, paid

if you can read you can pass the 2382,

all it does is test if you can use an index and read .

can someone tell me how you can have an exam where they allow you to take the answer book in with you and call it a test is of any benefit to anyone but the taker.?

if you can read you can pass the 2382,all it does is test if you can use an index and read .

can someone tell me how you can have an exam where they allow you to take the answer book in with you and call it a test is of any benefit to anyone but the taker.?
Thanks mate, some really helpful advice to all people taking the exam....

Thanks mate, some really helpful advice to all people taking the exam....
sorry if the truth isnt to your liking,

but it is a fact,

can anyone tell me what sort of exam actually allows you to have the answer book with you.?

if you fail its because you cant read,

I know not everyone can read, then perhaps sparkying isnt for them, they could try plumbing or plastering.

Out of 60 question I got 53 correct, a percentage of 83.33%.

I answered all the questions, but some of them were worded so badly, that I had no idea what the question meant, let alone what the answer was.

The exam was 2 hours long, but I finished in about 30 minutes, I couldn't be asked to waste time attempting to decipher the meaning of some of the questions.

A couple of the examinees got so bogged down, that they didn't even finish all the questions.

I can't speak for the full exam,,, I did the update! (in December)

30 questions in 1 hour

Remember... if you don't know the answer, don't spend an age trying to find it... leave that question and move onto the next, then go back to the ones you missed out once you're done, then go over them all again (if you have the time)

I finished mine in 40 mins doing this and only got 1 question wrong...

TBH it's not a hard exam... you want hard go or the 2391 (or whatever it's now called) 3hr closed book + practical!

I can't speak for the full exam,,, I did the update! (in December)30 questions in 1 hour

Remember... if you don't know the answer, don't spend an age trying to find it... leave that question and move onto the next, then go back to the ones you missed out once you're done, then go over them all again (if you have the time)

I finished mine in 40 mins doing this and only got 1 question wrong...

TBH it's not a hard exam... you want hard go or the 2391 (or whatever it's now called) 3hr closed book + practical!
I have no idea howI passed mine, and after 2odd hours I was so stressed I had to go for a ciggie(filthy habit.!)

so that was my exam finished.

but I do agree, it is an exam that actually test if you know something.
