1v showing after isolation

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
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Checking at FCU put in for shaver socket after isolation to prove dead and MFT1552 showing 1v L/E. Is this a problem??


You ought to get yourself a decent test lamp M4tty! If Paul is right (above), & I have no reason to doubt him your tester shows 1v when you switch it on (I think he meant Line to Earth Paul).

Get yourself a decent self proving voltage tester, the Kewtech Kew 1700 is pretty good & it also does phase rotation. It is about

Thanks for replies i have got a Fluke T100 too but bought the MFT last week so have been trying to get used to it and i know its wrong but i like to see a voltage reading ie 246 or 237v as if you dont make good contact with the T100 the led's dont light. Probably me being silly tho. Thanks again

You ought to get yourself a decent test lamp M4tty! If Paul is right (above), & I have no reason to doubt him your tester shows 1v when you switch it on (I think he meant Line to Earth Paul).Get yourself a decent self proving voltage tester, the Kewtech Kew 1700 is pretty good & it also does phase rotation. It is about
i thought the same when using it on a lighting circuit but just put it down to it reading continuity through a bulb or summin ??

well, your gonna get a beep from neutral to earth, and maybe reading through a lamp when doing L-E and L-N.
