203 Result :(

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Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Failed my 203 :(

Got 100% on Application of Health & Safety

Got 53.3% on Electrical Principles. Guess it's 60% to pass

Total was 76.6%

wasn't sure about some of the questions, I got questions like

How does a relay operate by on an open & closed circuit?

a: Closed Circuit

b: Open Circuit

c: Electro-Magnet - My answer

d: Permanment Magnet

Describe the Star connection

a: Vl = Vp

b: Vp = x 3sqrVl

c: Vl = x 3sqrVp -My answer

d: cnt remember this one :(

an Transformer that has a feed insulated conductor in the Primary is?

a: Voltage transformer

b: Current transformer

c: Auto-Transformer

d: Construction site Transformer - My answer

a circuit with 20kw & 1000v suppy with design current of 20A. what is the power factor

a: 1.5 - My answer

b: 0.67

c: 2.0

d: 1.9

What is Capacitor & Inductive Reactance is described as?

My answer was, the opposition to resistance, Current

Any advice on these questions would be a real help.

i got that last question today i got a distinction but them other 2 are pretty tough
