2330 lvl 2 203 formula

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Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Hey all I've just started my last exam for the 203 & have started covering different formula on Impedance, Capacitive, Inductive etc. But when it came to putting the formulas in practice am stuck on one small part of this formula. "I took this formula from the text book I got to work out."

Calculate the Reactance of a 150uF capacitor and a 0.05 H inductor if they were separately connect to the 50Hz mains supply

Capacitive Reactance

Xc = 1/2piFC

f = 50hz & C = 150uF 150 x 10-6 F

1/(2 x PI x 50 x 150uF x 10-6 = 21.2ohms

I keep getting 20.9 on my calculator for the Cap Reactance "stuck on the 150 x 10-6" it is 150 / 1.000.000 right?

Inductive Reactance "easy one"

XL = 2PIfl

F = 50 Hz & L = 0.05

XL = 2 x PI x 50Hz x 0.05 H = 15.7ohms "that I can work out"


Am probly missing something so simple but I've gone mad not working this out lol :D

long time since I did this

Capacitive Reactance

Xc = 1/2piFC

Where F=50 and C = 150 x 10-6 F

1/(2 x pi x 50 x 150 x 10 to the minus 6) why the two 150 values?

try this link

long time since I did thisCapacitive Reactance

Xc = 1/2piFC

Where F=50 and C = 150 x 10-6 F

1/(2 x pi x 50 x 150 x 10 to the minus 6) why the two 150 values?
Oooops sorry added 150 twice by mistake :|

Thxs for the link :D

Finally! worked the formula out :D

2 x PI x 50 x 150 = 47130.

1 / .04713 = 21.2ohms

Using a Scientific calc I did it this way:-

1 / (2 x 3.142 x 50 x 150 EXP -6) = 21.21

Hope this helps:)

Don't worry though Dman.

You'll promptly forget all about this once you complete your course and, more than likely, NEVER use it ever again.

Keep studying :)

Don't worry though Dman.You'll promptly forget all about this once you complete your course and, more than likely, NEVER use it ever again.

Keep studying :)
Bane is correct, you will forget it. I've only just finished the 2330 Level 3, with the principles exam being the last one I did, only 6 weeks ago and I've forgotten it all already :^O


I did my last exam 303 written on Monday and I've already forgotten
