2330 practical exam testing

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Junior Member
May 31, 2010
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Hi everyone just joined as I'm in need of a bit of help! I've just about finished the installation part of the 2330 practical exam. (SWA running from a CU with 50A CB to another CU containing ring final 32A and lights 6A). I'm ok with testing the ring and lights, but am wondering how I test the SWA. At this level are C&G just wanting competent results for the power and lights or do they expect you to include the run between the CUs via SWA in your test results? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Not sure if you are exected to test Distribution circuit or not for this exam but same tests apply as to final circuits.


1 Continuty of CPC. on test rig this should be easy to do as R2 test, one test lead connection at 50A MCB DB earth terminal and other at Consumer Unit earth bar.

2 Polarity. Again wander lead method prove L is L and N is N using low resistence ohm meter (continuity tester).

Reading 1 + reading 2 will be your R1 + R2 for the circuit

3 Insulation resistence. Make sure main switch is OFF both ends and test IR between L and N, L and E, N and E.

Thats all the dead tests, not sure if you go any further but Live tests would include

1 Ze Loop impedance at the supply end Main

2 Zs for THIS circuit Loop impedance at the Consumer Unit end which then also is Zdb for the final circuits.

3 Live Polarity test Loop impedence Meter will show if correct.

Many thanks for a speedy reply sparkytim... so on my schedule of test results I have 1)'Power' , 2)'Lights' and 3) ...Distribution circuit???...

Thanks again for your help amigo...

Normally the Distribution cct would be recorded on a seperate Test sheet and the other 2 Final circuits on another.

Aha... I see. As we're given just the one sheet, I guess they're really after the power and light results to be accurate at this stage. Thanks for your thoughts, really appreciate your help.
