2377 PAT

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Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Hey all :D

Going to be taking a 2 day course on PAT & just wondering the difficulty rate of the exam is, easy or is it hard?

Hey all :D Going to be taking a 2 day course on PAT & just wondering the difficulty rate of the exam is, easy or is it hard?
Its a multiple choice format test similar to the 7671 test in layout ,very passable if you put a bit of effort into. As with the other tests its worth searching tinternet for past papers as lots of the questions are repeaters or similar

With some electrical knowledge, it's not too bad but needs 24/30 to pass! so it also needs a bit of effort. Biggest trouble is, there are no entry criteria set down by C&G (although they do say its aimed at electricians) so Joe public sees it as an easy way into electrical work, and then struggle with the exam!

good luck



Its open book multi answer. Know your way around the book and it will pose no problems. I took the course this week and have my exam next week.

The answers are in the book mate and as above it's open book so a monkey could pass the exam like bs7671 it's easy. Don't worry about it I got 29/30 after no revision at all so I'm sure you'll have no problems at all.
