2391 Qustion - I'm confused

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
Peak District
I know there are people on here with more up todate info than myself, so thought iI would ask.

I registered for the 2391 in November, supposed to be starting on Monday, Just been phoned by the college to say not enough people to do the course at the moment, so course postponed/cancelled.

So I got in before last regeistration date, but now no course to do :(

The college say they hope to make up a full course, as far as I can tell by trying to re-enroll members that fail the exam in Feb, although it may start earlier if they can persuade others.

Do I wait and hope we get a course. do I claim my money back, can I claim the money back but keep my registration and do the course elsewhere?.

Or can I say, they took my money I want the course?

Any advice welcome.

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You will probably find that they have terms ad conditions that prevent you taking further action and it is all loaded in their favour, just get money back and ask them to keep you on their holding list for future courses.

I know just a bit peed of, they have my money, I dont thiknk it will go awol.

I've said i will review the situation in a month.

I already spent money on BGB etc in preperation, the point is theis exam is about to dissapear, replacement will cost twice as much, and take twice as long, and only cover the same stuff

I know just a bit peed of, they have my money, I dont thiknk it will go awol.I've said i will review the situation in a month.

I already spent money on BGB etc in preperation, the point is theis exam is about to dissapear, replacement will cost twice as much, and take twice as long, and only cover the same stuff
Maybe that has something to do with it.
