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May 30, 2010
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I hope this has not been asked before but I have heard that the C&G 2391 is to become harder??

Anyone else heard any gossip?

I hope this has not been asked before but I have heard that the C&G 2391 is to become harder??Anyone else heard any gossip?
I think the 2391 is what it is, and it is already tough enough but managable.

Based on the level of national failure, some I'm sure would like it to be alot easier.

Lets hope they keep it the way it is and not make it into an online exam.

However the NICEIC have created an online Virtual Reality Periodic Inspection



Thanks for the link, I will check it out.
The reason for the high failure is a combination of candidates not having enough experience of electrical installations and testing and candidates with lots experience who have developed bad habits for example describing an Insulation Resistance test as 'I am going to Megger it '

The course is designed for fully qualified electricians with experience in testing however a lot of colleges will accept you provided you have done the 17th edition course

This was the case when I did my 2391.. I have my 17th and 2330 L2 and L3 and had just started my NVQ and was fine to do the course yet my colleague was a fully qualified electrician with 3 years experience and wasnt allowed to do it as he had no 17th edition.

I passed the course however I had a good teacher and I did the course over 12 weeks in which I studied hard and purchased about 8 mock papers which are set out in the exam format (DJTELEC)

The exam doesnt need to change for me it is a good solid exam

What is it about the course that makes it so difficult?

I want to do it in September after level 3 and so far I've been getting on well with the whole theory side of things.

What is it about the course that makes it so difficult?I want to do it in September after level 3 and so far I've been getting on well with the whole theory side of things.
Basically the candidate being unprepared , if you feel strong on the theory side and are hot on the regs and can test 2 and 3 phase then go for it

The 2391 is a closed book examination, people who take this exam should be experianced at testing and installation methods. The high failure rate is due to students who have no experiance trying the exam after attending night classes and the like with no field training, as well as those who like me will have picked up bad habbits over the years.

It also has to be Word perfect - which is an area, with a HIGH failure rate too!

Mr T's comment is very true, candidates are often insufficiently experienced to take the 2391, which is designed for experienced electricians who have carried out periodic inspections and tests. The chief examiners report is available from the C&G website & makes interesting reading.

There are changes afoot, part of the same reworking of qualifications that is seeing 2330/2356 replaced by 2357. The last registration date for the current 2391 is 31/03/11 & to quote the City & Guilds "C&G are making every effort to get the new qualification in place to ensure a smooth continuation"

I just hope I pass the course I'm doing currently then. I'm lucky enough to be able to get some testing in and I do have experience testing 3 phase/line boards. Safe isolation is another very important issue. My advice to anyone is to go out with a sparks who knows his/her testing and inspecting and hope you don't pick up any bad habits. Read and understand GN3 as that will help a great deal. You will get out what you're prepared to put in and read all the questions properly and attempt them all too.

I passed the 2391 in august ,13 of us took it and 8 passed ,i took it at crawley college over 4 fridays, i dont think its as hard as people make it out to me , i`ve had never worked in the field when i took it ,i am a 40 year old window cleaner and i have retrained myself over the last 2 years while i work, i had just passed my 301 at carshalton college when i took 2391, i`m doing my 302 and 303 this saturday, so if i can pass it anyone can i lol, good luck with it anyway,


---------- AUTO MERGE Post added at 23:05 ---------- Previous post was at 22:55 ----------

oopss sorry i started the course in august and did the exam on the 2nd of sept

I have it on good authority that the C&G have changed their minds & 2391, 2382, 2392, 2393 etc will now carry on until the end of 2011. The C&G website still says last registration is 01/04/11 but this should change in the next few days.

40% pass rate might appear to indicate a very tough examination. But as has already been said, it is intended for experienced electricians. Cant see anyone just qualifying sailing straight through without gaining some valuable insights and experience first.

32% pass rate for October 2010 2391 exam

Here are a few verbatim comments from the City & Guilds examiners in response to the performance of the October 2391 examination (pass rate 32%)

"The national pass rate for this paper was spectacularly poor..."

"The lack of knowledge and understanding of the requirements of Guidance Note 3 and BS 7671 continues to be apparent in answers given by candidates."

"From the information provided by candidates, it is apparent that whilst they may be aware of the need for inspection and testing, they have little understanding of the reasons why it is done or the interpretation of the results obtained."

"It appears from the candidate responses that very few have an understanding of, and cannot relate to, the inspection process."

And one of the regulars:

"Testing of ring final circuit continuity was poorly answered with candidates often only carrying out step one and then stopping or carrying out incorrect stages two and three, with linking one pair of ends and testing across the other pair a common option."

32% pass rate for October 2010 2391 exam Here are a few verbatim comments from the City & Guilds examiners in response to the performance of the October 2391 examination (pass rate 32%)

"The national pass rate for this paper was spectacularly poor..."

"The lack of knowledge and understanding of the requirements of Guidance Note 3 and BS 7671 continues to be apparent in answers given by candidates."
October is an odd time for an exam considering that most colleges offer 2391 over 10 weeks (one evening a week) and start the term in September. Most candidates in October would have been retakes or have done a "fast track" course, so possibly not been the strongest candidates in the first place...

what is the difference between the 2391 and the 2392 and what situation would you need them for?please tb

aiui 2392 was designed for house bashers that had no real testing experience and did not have the knowledge/experience to pass 2391.
