You won't do adiabatic or cable calcs as it's not a design course.
You should have covered all this stuff by the time you sit the course.
The design course is the 2391-20, you are doing the 2391-10.
The issue with the exam is incorrect use of terms, e.g. "Megger" rather than "insulation resistance tester".
You need to be sure of the sequence of tests, the values you should expect for say insulation resistance, the voltages to test at etc.
You need to be able to draw from memory the earth fault loop impedance paths for the various types of system.
Go on the C&G website, get a copy of the last examiners report, and a few before, see what they pick people up on, this will give you the heads up on what is often misunderstood.
If you have to describe the full sequence of tests for IV of a ring final circuit, remember all of them, also the results you get end to end are NOT R1 & R2, they are r1, r2 & rn.
Mega is a capital M, volts is a capital V, milli is a small M, "little" things like this will trip you up.
When you are doing past exam type questions GN3 & the BRB is your friend.
YOu will not have access to past papers as centres are not allowed to give them to students, the questions will be identical or almost identical to typical exam questions but will never be the actual ones!
Typical examiners report here from Aug 11.
If you look at section 2 "Feedback on candidate performance" the second section is why I get in so much trouble on here for chastising other posters for incorrect use of terms!!!
Be nice to know how you get on, this will be my 2nd 2391 teaching session now, probably I'll be taking typical exam questions & answering students questions that they have on the course to date and clarifying any points etc.
Once I know how my students got on I'll post up IF I remember!