301 exam

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Senior Member
Sep 12, 2008
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to anybody who has done 301 city & guilds 301.i am doing the exam soon and been told os other people that there is a lot of questions on motors.just wondering if anybody has done 301 and this is the case or what questions you got on the exam.


Cheers boys.Best get me head stuck into the books.H&S easy it`s the rest.

good luck searley:) i would brush up on xl/xc equations as this came up 3 times in my exam...which was good ...fair bit of h&s and some on motors.check out the papers posted on here they were spot on for me....good luckGuiness Drink

xl/xc? :|

Am I having a blonde moment?

Oh yes I am. :D

Can anyone actually remember any questions that came up in their exam then?

sorry boss was rushing as i was being ushered off the pc by the ol ladyX(

capacitors,inductors and resistors in series across the supply etc!!got asked the correct equation and had 2 examples to work out!! ;)

Thanks Gabe.

Can you rmember any more Questions? :)

rms values?definately 1 on synchronous speed(remember its pairs of poles)?power factor?..erm the formula for 3 phase circuits?......protection of an rcbo?....lsf cable are used where??losses in a transformer?thats about all i can remember...lots of people came a cropper with the synchronous speed one..hope this is of some help? :D

no worries:D i only wish you got a proper read out at the end of the exam rather than some stupid bar chartX(just think it would be nice to know what questions we got right or wrong...for future reference of course..(.not for display purposes on a forum;\)

Thanks for the info Gabe.

Got to agree with you about the bar chart results.

to anybody who has done 301 city & guilds 301.i am doing the exam soon and been told os other people that there is a lot of questions on motors.just wondering if anybody has done 301 and this is the case or what questions you got on the exam.cheers.

i did mt test a few weeks back and failed

look on those test question on the link, quite a few were on there that i didnt know

i would of past otherwise
