302 & 303 exam results....how long?

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Senior Member
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
Sat my 302 Insp & Test on tuesday and my 303 Fault finding written exams on thursday and I'm just wondering how long you have to wait for the results?


You may find that they will come through quicker than that, it is just that the Written has to be combined with the results of your 302 & 303 Practial Exam, as they are combined into one, and you will receive one cert.

Ask your tutor, as he/she can give you an estimate.

Speaking of which, I forgot that I have to collect my cert for my 2392. :eek:

Sat my 302 Insp & Test on tuesday and my 303 Fault finding written exams on thursday and I'm just wondering how long you have to wait for the results?
The exams are marked 'in house' so it depends when the lecturer pulls his/her finger out! As admin says they are combined with the practical results and then must be clained from C&G unlike the GOLA exams that are automatically claimed, so the certs may take a little longer



Written exams only? I found out within a week - give your tutor a ring. I presume you haven't done the practicals yet? (Isn't it mandatory to do the written first?)

I did both practicals and both exams within 4 days at my centre. I'm back at my centre this afternoon for my NVQ3 workshop to collect my site diary etc etc so i'll ask him today.
