A Welsh Joke

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Dec 22, 2008
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Mae Cymro, Gwyddel a Sais yn mynd i nofio. Mae nhw'n penderfynnu mynd ar lithren. Mae dyn ar dop y lithren yn dweud "pan rydych yn mynd i lawr y lithren gwaeddwch eich hoff ddiod". Felly mae'r gwyddel yn mynd i lawr a gweiddi "CWRW!", a mae'r dwr yn troi yn gwrw, cyn troi'n nol i ddwr ar ol iddo fynd allan. Mae'r Cymro yn mynd i lawr a gweiddi "SUDD OREN!", a mae'r dwr yn troi'n sudd oren, cyn newid yn nol i ddwr ar ol iddo fynd allan. Mae'r Sais yn mynd i lawr, ac yn gweiddi "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!"


Cant leave you suffer. :x :^O

A welshman, and english man and an Irish man go swimming. They go on a slide, and at the top of the slide a man tells them, that when they go down the slide they should shout their fave drink. The Irishman goes down and shouts "BEER!" and all the water turns to beer. The welshman goes down and shouts "ORANGE JUICE!", and the water turns to orange juice. The Englishman goes down and shouts "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

He is being Welshman , Irishman I go Saxon going I swim. He is being they ' heartburn she was faltering go signs we slipped. He is being tight signs dop the we slipped saying " when you are being going down the we slipped you cry you dear drink ". Therefore he ' is being group Irishman going down I go cry " ALE! ", I go he ' is being group he heaps turning crookedly ale , before turn ' heartburn doll I signs ol to go they are being able. He ' is being group Welshman going down I go cry " JUICE WE HATCHED! ", I go he ' is being group he heaps turning ' heartburn juice we hatched , before change crookedly doll I signs ol to go they are being able. He ' is being group Saxon going down , and crying WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! "

courtesty of


your welsh aint as good as my bullsh1t......

:D :D :D

Also steps, that translater is rubbish,

if you type in eg,

I love wales,

translated to welsh is

Cara gwrymiau

translate that back to english and you get,

i love seams.


Q. Why are the light switches in Wales labeled ON and OFF in English?

A. Because the Welsh can tell when the light is on!


Two Welshmen meet in heavan, sitting on St. Peter's bench before the Pearly Gates.

"So what brings you here, Tom?"

"Hypothermia", replies Tom. "Froze to death. What about you, Gwyn?"

"Well, Tom, I was so sure my wife was having an affair, I bought a shotgun, came home and searched everywhere: the bedroom, the kitchen, the basement -- everywhere! Didn't find anyone so, in despair, I shot myself".

"Christ," says Tom, "If you had only looked in the freezer, we might both still be alive

No, but i can whistle in welsh tho!!

:^O :^O

I can speak a little welsh, and understand a few words.

Being a British man, I liked that joke a lot.

Certainly made a change from the usual Irish/Scottish/Welsh jokes. :)

Thankyou AD2.

A bit rascist me thinks]:)Guiness Drink you just dont like it cause you have to pay us to get back in to your own country do you;) :^O

Not me, I am not allowed in Wales, would never go back to Ireland & despite having a sister in Edinburgh would not want to go to Scotland, way too cold for me. :)
