Access 2 Trade Careers

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Scaredy cat™
Supporting Member
Feb 5, 2009
Reaction score

Just read that Access 2 Trade Careers are closing down so if anyone is with them, try getting money back quick, or if anyone is thinking of taking a course through them, then dont.

Just to let you know


All members are free to surf where they wish. I was just wondering if the source is reliable? I would hate to think that the forum was displaying any unsubstantiated claims, (good or bad), about the about the state of a business.

Doc H.

Update Doc

One of the members had this email from them

"It is with the very greatest regret that I have to write to you to tell you that having tried our very best we have been unable to secure ongoing funding for the company and accordingly as matters currently stand we are unable to continue to provide your training.

Arrangements are being made for an insolvency practitioner to be appointed and I am sure you will be hearing from him. No doubt you will want to discuss the position with him or an adviser.

Yours sincerely

Access2 Trade Careers"

Indeed Matty, it doesn't sound to good, especially when people are investing their own money trying to better themselves with qualifications for the job market. If anyone else has any more updates, this will be most welcome, Thank you.

Doc H.

From their site

27/01/2010It is with the greatest regret that having tried our very best we have been unable to secure ongoing funding for the company and accordingly as matters currently stand we are unable to continue to provide your training.

Arrangements are being made for an insolvency practitioner to be appointed and you will be hearing from them in due course.
see here

Looks like it's confirmed!

Thank you Apache, Does anyone know how long they had been trading for? Or how many students are affected?

Doc H.

If my memory serves me right didn't this company over courses on credit agreements? If so you may not have to pay.

If you paid by credit card you should be able to reclaim this. If you've paid by cash, switch or cheque you will unfortunately become another unsecured creditor with very little chance of getting anything. Once the secured loans & preferred creditors, tax man VAT man etc., have been paid there is usually nothing left for other people.

The company I work for supplied Access 2 Trade and they owe us a fortune. Fat chance of getting that back.

Went to the Access 2 Trade building in the Hartlesbury estate this morning and they

Thanks Dan, Welcome to the forum.

It is bad enough trying to survive in these difficult times as it is, without this happening to your employer.


Radio 4 had a big session on these types of companies today, all about how they go at it full bore for a few years then fold, leaving students up the swanney without a paddle but a huge debt so's to speak.

Infact it was the very company Advent & the loans sold to students backed by Barclays they were on about.


Looks like New Career Skills are doing a rescue package for those involved and am taking the students onto their training scheme.

Anyone involved can for more details contact them on 01424773650


Hi, Could you please tell me where you are getting this info??

Im not having much luck.

Thanks for your help.

I dont really wanna waste anymore time and money

hello ppl i av logged on to access2tradecareers today to book a week course but it seems to me that they av gone into liquidation i paid 500 pounds in enrolment and 230 4 a month so 730 pounds in total i paid by credit card and the 230 pounds came out of my account just a couple of weeks ago would nebody ere be able to point me in the right direction

Id say get onto the credit card company and youll most prob get that back and if the other amount was taken by direct debit you may be able to claim under the direct deit guarantee. HTH i await to be corrected tho
