I have a solar edge HD Wave 6kw inverter and solar panels. I want some day to add a battery buti have heard it said that I should only add a dc battery. Is this true or can I add a typical AC? Also - this was G99. Do I have to ask the dno?
All batteries are DC. It's the method of connecting the battery that youre getting confused with. Connecting the battery into your existing inverter would be a DC (Direct Current) connection. It has advantages of being more efficient, would be easier to control by your existing inverter etc. An AC coupled battery has it's own inverter and simply sits on your AC supply. The disadvantage of this approach is that theres some loss of efficiency (energy is lost in the conversion process AC to DC and DC back to AC though not a great deal with modern inverters. The advantages are you're adding more inverter power into your system so it will import less from the grid with heavy loads, it can be located anywhere that it has a connection to your supply eg outbuilding, under stairs etc, you have some redundancy in your system if one item failed for any reason.I have a solar edge HD Wave 6kw inverter and solar panels. I want some day to add a battery buti have heard it said that I should only add a dc battery.
I had a conversation with my DNO, emailed details and it was all ok'dAlso - this was G99. Do I have to ask the dno?
As long as your inverter has the ability to charge from the grid, yes you can.Thank for this. I have heard that the solar edge battery is good, and a DC battery. However as I understood it, you cannot charge a dc battery from the mains (eg on Flux).
I'm not sure that it is true! The BMS (Battery Management System) would stop it discharging to a very low level eg 5% or 10% limits are often set so the battery is not in danger of over discharging. Normally you would charge the battery using off peak energy in winter time.Is this true and if so would it not surely mean that it would be in danger of discharging too much in low light in Winter and sustaining damage?
All batteries are controlled by the inverter. Your HD wave maybe able to have a battery, if not, then you need another inverter known as an AC system. Usually those are hybrid inverters without PV connected, some companies offer AC battery systems that don't take PV at all.Thank for this. I have heard that the solar edge battery is good, and a DC battery. However as I understood it, you cannot charge a dc battery from the mains (eg on Flux). Is this true and if so would it not surely mean that it would be in danger of discharging too much in low light in Winter and sustaining damage?