AM2 question

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Junior Member
May 10, 2010
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Iv got my AM2 resit Tomoro ,

iv got a quick question about conductor ID for the test installation (the little round tags they give you ) i didnt use them first time round, and have never used them in my line of work! im just after some pointers about them please?

any help is well appreciated


Did you identify phase conductors on the pyro? You also need to identify all connections on the motor circuit. Just identify them as the numbers in the diagram. As for circuits identification. I just marked mine up as 1L1 OR 3L2 etc on my AM2.

Think you are referring to ferrules.

Not sure about AM2, we always mark as per drawing so it could be 1, 2, 3, or L, N, E, the important thing is that either side of the core is ferruled the same. By either side I mean each core at each end of the cable. Hope this helps, if not hopefully someone else will give you a more specific answer as to AM2 stuff.

Good Luck Steve

Used on the old am2, not necessary on the new one [just identify one leg of the ring cct].

All the best 2morrow.
