And so we wave farewell .

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I used to work for a supplier to Kraft and they are renowned for grouping their businesses together to get a better deal globally. Cadbury's sourced a fair amount of their services locally thereby keeping people in jobs across the Midlands and the UK. I can promise you that Kraft will guarantee whatever they need to for the next few years to get the deal through, then they will start sourcing goods and services in Eastern Europe where they get it cheaper. Then they just send people out from the UK to approve the quality.

Be honest, if you owned a multi million pound company and could save yourself hundreds of thousands if not millions (in wages alone) buy moving the company to a differant country would you not do it ? I know its wrong and I dont agree with it , but business is business.

For a long time I have wondered on something ............. if we all went back to paying 1960s prices and we all worked for 1960s wages, could the UK then compete in the world wide markets again ? Makes you wonder doesn't it ???

What amazes me is the fact that Kraft do not have that money to hand but can still buy a company.

It happened with Man.Utd. I believe , the club was puchased on the strength of future earnings , this is why they are still in debt as I understand it.

Be honest, if you owned a multi million pound company and could save yourself hundreds of thousands if not millions (in wages alone) buy moving the company to a differant country would you not do it ? I know its wrong and I dont agree with it , but business is business.For a long time I have wondered on something ............. if we all went back to paying 1960s prices and we all worked for 1960s wages, could the UK then compete in the world wide markets again ? Makes you wonder doesn't it ???
Yeah, I'll be honest, at the moment for my business its me first, BUT, I would like to think that if I was running with a seven figure profit or more I would put something back into the community rather than sell off. I personally think theres a limit to what you really need in life.

Its a huge vicious circle, the staff want a better life so they want more pay, so you increase the costs of your products to pay them more, they inturn want to buy your products , but youve just made it cost more offsetting the wage increase you just gave them, all because the boss man says we have to make X amount of profit. Then you get a differant country where things do not cost as much so staff will work for less, pay the differant country at

Its a sad state of affairs. Is there anything left thats truly British anymore? People should be proud to buy British! if you go into a supermarket - tomatos come from Spain and Poland! 1000s of miles in a truck when they could get them local! the worlds gone mad but being led by labour loonies......

Do you have a smiley for 'rant over'?

Its a sad state of affairs. Is there anything left thats truly British anymore? People should be proud to buy British! if you go into a supermarket - tomatos come from Spain and Poland! 1000s of miles in a truck when they could get them local! the worlds gone mad but being led by labour loonies......Do you have a smiley for 'rant over'?
Thats where this country has gone wrong government pay farmers not to grow stuff in there fields whats the point.

Its a sad state of affairs. Is there anything left thats truly British anymore? People should be proud to buy British! if you go into a supermarket - tomatos come from Spain and Poland! 1000s of miles in a truck when they could get them local! the worlds gone mad but being led by labour loonies......Do you have a smiley for 'rant over'?


What amazes me is the fact that Kraft do not have that money to hand but can still buy a company.It happened with Man.Utd. I believe , the club was puchased on the strength of future earnings , this is why they are still in debt as I understand it.
Have read they where going to borrow

Well it beats me, my knowledge of high finance stops with paying the wholesalers each month. The way I see it is they are not in a position to buy Cadbury and the share holders should give 'em the soldiers farewell and look after jobs present and future in this country for once.

Cadbury main shareholders include US Insurance firms, some pension firms, Royal Bank of Scotland.
