Attack Of The Brain Dead

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Evans Electric

Supporting Member
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score

I was just looking at one of the scars carried by Thunderbird 2  , see above and thought I'd post a warning.     A few years ago we were on the Collector Road that skirts the boundary of one of the City overflow estates .

  Returning home , dark , heavy rain , 50 MPH Dual carriageway when, from behind the high hedgerow between the road and the estate,  arcing through the air in apparent slow motion came a housebrick that struck the van on the front . 

One hell of a bang!!!

A second faster and it would have hit the screen .   'kin' eejuts!!!   Rust is showing through now . 

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It would be interesting to know how many people have been killed by morons throwing things at vehicles I remember a lorry driver being killed by something a while back.  Will do a search.

No worries, matter of time before the islamic types take over, and they will cut the hands off such persons. If it were not for the fact that the country is run by treacherous types that would commit treason against their own country anyway, we would have law and order already. The government of this country is supposed to be selected according to the "representation of the peoples act" Shame this does not seem to apply....


Hi Batty,

I think a south wales taxi driver was killed by someone throwing a concrete block off a bridge about the time of the miners strike i think. I know others in this area have ben killed or injured since too..


No worries, matter of time before the islamic types take over, and they will cut the hands off such persons. If it were not for the fact that the country is run by treacherous types that would commit treason against their own country anyway, we would have law and order already. The government of this country is supposed to be selected according to the "representation of the peoples act" Shame this does not seem to apply....


and what government would that be?

I cant think of one since churchill that actually stood up for this country,

oh, apart from maggie and the falklands, and letting the ar**hole hunger strikers die , which was their choice,

Great Britian is NOT an island, and England is not the only country in it.!

the last government sold part of the GB down the proverbial swanee.

Many years back I'd just taken delivery of a brand new Astra van. I had two weeks off so passed the keys to one of the young mates, let's call him that was his name.

We'd been working in Basingstoke at the big Barclays building next to Jacksons the old Ford dealers that was there. Now Graham was car mad and then some. It was around the time that they had been chucking concrete blocks off of bridges on the M3, I think there was at least one fatality. Anyway, this day I'm on holiday and Graham gets called to a breakdown first thing. He fixes it and instead of calling in to see if there's another job decides he'll have an early one.....he has after all got a brand new van and fuel card to play with!

Just passed the AA building before you get onto the M3 is a roundabout with traffic lights and three lanes. Graham comes hairing round the corner onto the roundabout to find the lights green and the MIDDLE lane clear.  He briefly laughs at the morons sitting waiting in the inside and outside lanes and boots it..............

What he FAILED to see is that three large concrete blocks had been placed in the road, one for each lane. Ripped the sump off and came to a halt a little way after trailing a slick behind him! Of course now he has to call the governor and explain exactly why he's leaving site at 11.30. Give him his due he was sharp and said he was off to the wholesalers!

Happy Days!


Never had anything serious like this, but my last car was keyed 5 times over a period of 3 years and it was always on the passenger side.

I thought it was a particular person who didnt like where I parked my car at a relatives, but now Im not so sure as last year 2 young teenage girls were caught around here for scratching loads of cars and I think in just one road they caused £27000 worth of damage!

Apparently they were bored and had nothing else today!!!

Since then my car hasnt been scratched (touch wood).
