Got the answer from Baxi at 8am Tuesday. Basically its not a problem with the Boiler, Baxi do give all the information in an A4 addendum sheet, not in the installation book. The Boiler needs to run on maximum output for a few minutes, can be up to 10, then it gives the fuel option to confirm. The problem we had was it was a small system and on heating the boiler never reached maximum output for long enough. All we had to do was run the hot tap for a few minutes, not a set period, and it gave the NG/LPG choice to be confirmed by pressing the ip button for 6 seconds. In Baxi;s defense all the information was there, but and this was a big but for us, it was not stressed enough that if you do not get the fuel choice, make sure you run the tap! That should have been in huge bold type. Anyway the boiler then fired and commissioned itself basically, it is an installer friendly boiler and a very clever one. Too clever? Or was it just human error? Please do not delete this question, someone may need to see it, on a Bank Holiday weekend when Baxi are shut. I am sure once this model has been out a while everyone will know, we were unlucky to have one of the first ones and there was no feedback. Ged