Bonfire Night

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Grand little dogs. She's asleep on a cushion on the sofa digesting her spaghetti bolognese :D
We have 3 of those local to us, Billy tolerates them all..


Well I'm in Leicester Mr Sworld, apart from Tuesday (their big night?) it' been very quiet, like.. :p
This was a while ago Ext, before the new law came in about limited times for setting them off!

I'd be done by the council enviromental services now if I used the explosives that I did then nowadays! One of them took a chunk out of the cast iron soil pipe!

I think the recession has played a part this year, the bangs have been few and far between so far..

Applaud Smiley

anyway it's been tipping it down since 7pm tonight.. :^O :^O:^O:^O:^O
It's been tipping it down since I woke up this morning down my way! :(

I spent about 7 years in Bradford. There Diwali is a major celebration and happens around the month leading upto Bonfire Night, so you think one day is bad try one month! :^O The local kids learned not to try and mess with me as at the start of it I'd get hold of some stage pyrotechnics and start letting them off! It eventually became an event in the local neighbourhood! ]:)
Know what you mean Mr Sworld, I ,m in Birmingham , we get Dwalli, Eid, Guy Fawkes, Yom Kippur, goes on forever, :_| Last year was like the Somme but not too bad this time . :)

Doggie valium is a good way of sedating your pets at this time of year, my mother in law still has some from her deceased pet, whenever she needs a little help she takes one of those. :)

Doggie valium is a good way of sedating your pets at this time of year, my mother in law still has some from her deceased pet, whenever she needs a little help she takes one of those. :)

Play havoc with your blood pressure.

Can I urge you all not to take your pets pills ;)

Well, I managed to get my dog through this evening without sedation (the wife forgot)............. :_|

It's been a quieter Bonny night compared with recent ones..

(money, costs, expense?)


Expect you are right ext. We had our village free-for-all fireworks. We all coincidentally get together at the same place and same time and bring own fireworks and have a bonfire.

It's not organsed you see. No need for insurance etc.

It's my 1 evening to be a pyromaniac and let off los of fireworks :D (we duct taped catherine wheels to rockets :) So pretty)

He's quite stressed at the moment..

It's gone quiet outside, and he's not been out since 3.30pm, doubt if he'll make the effort, probably wait till the morning..

; \

I really do feel for dogs & cats at this time of year.

Apache you are a nutter, lol :)
