building control costs wolves

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moose man

Senior Member
Aug 8, 2009
Reaction score
hi phone my local building control for costs and replyed

it could cost between

Mine charge more, can't remember now for sure but i think it was 250 ish for a CU change. They stated:

Thank you for your recent enquiry. The work to which you refer is notifiable in respect of B/Regs. and as such unless it is in connection with other work which we would already be controlling ( i.e. extensions, alterations etc. ) it will require B/Regs. consent. This can be done via the Building Notice process, forms and guidance are available from our office at ******. In this instance we would carry out a 1st. fix inspection. Your test and inspection report would be accepted as evidence of a safe installation, and a completion certificate would be issued once this has been provided.

Could you please supply us with copies of your qualifications as we hold a file on which the details of contractors working on the same basis as yourself are held. If you were to carry out work on behalf of a main contractor/ builder if we have your details for verification we will accept your report as evidence of electrical safety.

I trust this clarifies matters for you.
I had asked them for a price to notify cu change for a mate - I'm not part P, but do have 2330,L2+3 17th & 2391

Building control in this country had a one day assessment for competency in dealing with Part P. Failure after failure, has resulted in the mess we are now in.

I doubt any council if taken to court can exercise professional advise, or expert witness against any reasonably qualified electrician.

i dont know mate i dont follow football

---------- Post Auto-Merged at 13:37 ---------- Previous post was made at 13:34 ----------

What cert are you talking about? There are 2 involved here. EIC and Building Compliance Cert. Any competent person can issue an EIC but only building control issue compliance certs. If you are a member of a scam then they notify LABC on your behalf and arrange for the cert to be supplied. If you are not a scam member then LABC need to be directly engaged to acquire a building compliance cert. LABC need to ensure the installation is safe and one way of achieving this is to accept an EIC from a competent person. If they do not feel you are competent then they will send a competent person out to T&I your work after (effectively a PIR). This person will not notify the work though a scam as that would in fact be fraudulent. Once they are happy they will issue a building compliance cert.
EIC of my self then its down to tem if they sendsomebody out to look at installation

Why not see if they'll accept your EIC you might have to give them a copy if your c&g qualifications?
they said they would except an EIC of me with a copy of my c&g qualifications but still might choose to pay a visit which i would not have a problem with it just seems to me that they have there own regs

when a third party can cert your work if needs be
