carrying waste license

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Dec 14, 2010
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Hi, got asked by a mate if ive got my waste carrying license because he got fined while back, never heard of this before and sounds crazy but looked up on website and looks like ive got to pay


You are basically correct, however, RING the EA 1st as there are breaks for small traders, well there are in Wales anyway.

It also depends on what you are carrying.

"scrap" cable is NOT waste as it is a saleable product.

thing is we also do property maintenance so normally got a rubble sack full of crap in van and i like to do things properly, even though its makes my beer money less:(

also if you hire a skip you need a waste brokers licence of something like that, not the 'normal' waste carriers licence

waste of money & more paperwork

and as SW says - if the material is wanted, its not waste. i.e rubble/hardcore isnt waste if someone wants it...
