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Senior Member
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all again

I am sure you all have several takes on this issue so here goes:-

A great deal of my work is the gradual renovation of large houses, some taking months and even years (one in particular 3 years so far, mostly pre certification,part p, 17th etc in IOM)

Most of the work is minor works, circuit extensions extra sockets lights etc with the odd new circuit thrown in

Do you certificate each time you visit a circuit (this would involve possibly large number of certs sometimes on same cct)

or do you wait until job is completed and do a periodic, or do you wait until finshed and do an jnstallation cert, detailing the new ccts and the ones that have had minor works carried out.

As above.

I've got a job that I started years ago, pre part p, still ongoing. Everything is tested as it goes into service, just not started to write a certificate yet.

cheers guys

That's pretty much what I've been doing.

So is it lots of separate certs or can it all be put on to 1 EIC detailing the relevant info for new ccts and the minor works ie full detail fot new cct, zs etc for minors?

Remember to do the testing and certification to the edition the work was carried out to.

Remember to do the testing and certification to the edition the work was carried out to.
If you've got various circuits throughout the installation that are 16th\17th edition then how do you differentiate between the 2 on the test sheets?

good point Lurch, same situation for me on several jobs, my guess is a 16th cert detailing 17th bits ???

You would have to issue two EICs, one to cover the 16th work and the other to cover the 17th work.

On the Olimpic Site, the Electrical Installation was designed to the 16th, even though the actuall work did not start untill after the 17th came into force, the installation is to be installed and tested to the 16th.

The temporary site supplies however must comply with the 17th.
