Common Gate Faults - Feel Free To Add To It

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Aug 29, 2013
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Sorry it has taken me so long to get round to doing this, the ethernet port on my z77 sabertooth mobo died and it was a nightmare taking it all apart to get sent away and then rebuilding.

Personally, most of the gate faults that i have come across seem to be due to safety devices. Anyway, so here's a list of some things to look out for when looking at an automatic gate.


Gate is stuck open

Obstruction of safety/photo cells, some sites i get people blocking them on purpose. Commonly in summer weeds/grass and vines grow over them and during the winter the water droplets freeze over the plastic housing and defract the beam. i've also found spiders running around in the photocell housings also. Always make sure they're clean and you can hear the relay click when swiping your hand over them.

Safety or free exit inductance loops - Ensure the cable is not sticking out of the ground and the loop detectors have not locked up, most have a lights and a reset button. Sensitivity

can be changed, i've come across some set so that a single steel toe capped boot could open a gate.

Gate getting a continuous open command - Most gate control boards will have LEDs or a display showing what inputs the gate is receiving, sometimes things like the keypad or intercom handset can lock up and give a constant close circuit to the open command.

Safety edges - Depending on how the safety edge is wired, 'bar' or through 'photocells' can keep the gate open is activated. If the edge is a resistive, test whether you're getting 8k2 resistance. If mechanical, check the terminals for continuity. Mechanical play up very often when damaged by a vehicle.

Emergency break glass - Believe it or not, but this is a very common fault that i get. I personnally replace the break glass with resettable LED indicator models where I can.

Swing gates with rams, geometry - When a swing gates hinges and rams wear over time, if the gate swings further then 90o s, when the gate goes to shut and the hydraulic arm within the ram pushes outwards, it forces the gate leaf the wrong way and the gate timer will just stop and the gate will believe it is shut but still wide open.

Gates moving but then back off a short distance

Gate closes but opens about a foot afterwards - there are a couple of things that can cause this. First is that when the gate closes, it causes to gate to vibrate/move from the force and it activates a safety edge/bar. The other is that the gate is encountering too much resistance and as a safety precaution backs off, extremely common in low volt gates on a windy day.

Gates not moving at all

Safety edge or safety loop - if these are activated the gate will not move at all, depending on the wiring and programming of the control board. i've had a couple of thieves cut the safety edges thinking it would open the gate before.

Wireless transmission

Board not detecting wireless receiver -  Some control boards requires a 'clean' open or closed circuit in order for it to detect. A way of testing this would be to use a link cable across the terminals and make or break the connection, if that works, i would use a relay and pass the 0V through the wireless receiver.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Feel free to add any problems and/or faults you have come across.

My chippy mate John, (I posted pics of his own gates we did a while back). Anyway a customer of his rang him as their sliding gates were working intermittently and kept "sticking". Now bear in mind that John only did the woodwork but does a lot of work for the customer who's also long term "friend" of his. Tbh I've always thought the bloke gets more out of the relationship than John does!

A N Other gate installers who did the original install came back and said "You need them servicing!". £300 later and still an intermittent fault. It now changed to "It's the motor, that will be £900!". The customer phones John.

So John goes over to have a look. Give him his due he finds a Telemecanique limit switch full of water with the usual rusty contacts etc. £40 later he's found a new switch locally "of the same size", fitted it but it still doesn't work quite right.

I get a call and he turns up with both switches. Can't remember the part numbers but rather than having the "usual" NO/NC contact inside it had a pair of contacts where depending on which way the arm goes denotes which side makes/breaks. Down the "that'll come in useful box" and I found the same limit with the head broken and the contacts in good order. Over a coffee I swap the bits over. Fitted and the gate's back and running.

John's my best mate, wedding usher etc and it's cost me nowt. A little while later he sees me and gives me a sealed envelope with £20 in it from the customer. I didn't expect it but got to admit a little part of me was going "But......we've just saved the bloke £900.......".


[quote name="Onoff" post="362786" timestamp="1408444831"

John's my best mate, wedding usher etc and it's cost me nowt. A little while later he sees me and gives me a sealed envelope with £20 in it from the customer. I didn't expect it but got to admit a little part of me was going "But......we've just saved the bloke £900.......".


Now I'm thinking your best mate john gets more out of this relationship than you!!!!

Did his sealed envelope have the balance in?! :slap

Now I'm thinking your best mate john gets more out of this relationship than you!!!!

Did his sealed envelope have the balance in?! :slap
:lol:   I knew somebody would think that. He's a top bloke. I had one of his 1/2" routers, a biscuit joiner various clamps, augers & worktop jigs etc for months when I was doing my kitchen plus hours and hours of his time all gratis. Also had a loan of a rotary stop hammer drill when mine died. He also GAVE me his Ford Capri one year when he couldn't think of an Xmas present!

He currently has two of my 110V grinders thinking about it...........

cables being cut by gardeners is one I've come across, but then the gate installer should have used some form of mechanical protection for the black flex that was dangling in the bushes.....

My neighbour paid £5K for a double swinging gate install. Some sort of oak like timber, iroko? Had other quotes up to £8K. The gates are lovely but the electrics they did as part of the package..............

Took a nice IP6* enclosure and top side drilled a couple of 20mm holes. Then fitted PVC conduit but didn't glue or tighten anything. Found my neighbour replacing the drowned PCB and covering with copious amounts of clear silicon to stop it happening again! Looks really good............. :innocent

I can answer that.

He is pointing out that a poster called "plice" has replied to a post that is over 12 months old.

You won't find "plice" as, himself and all of his posts have been removed because all he did was dig up old posts with things like "lol" "thanks for that"  and other such drivel, presumably in order to raise his post count so he can then start advertising his wares.

I can answer that.

He is pointing out that a poster called "plice" has replied to a post that is over 12 months old.

You won't find "plice" as, himself and all of his posts have been removed because all he did was dig up old posts with things like "lol" "thanks for that"  and other such drivel, presumably in order to raise his post count so he can then start advertising his wares.
Thanks for that.....i,thought the Internal medication with Merlot was adling my brain

Did I mention beech nuts?

Gate won't open - beech nut on track, gate won't close, ditto. Gate sort of opens & closes................beech nut. Doesn't mention in the manual.  :lol:


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