Current garage supply

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Junior Member
Apr 24, 2012
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I went round to a colleague's house to quote to re-run some electrics in his extension. Whilst there he asked about his garage supply.

His current set up is a 16amp MCB with 4mm T&E run in Steel conduit on the outside of house. It then goes under ground (not sure if its in conduit as under concrete so couldn't see)

It then enters the garage and is run to a fused spur for the lights and then onto 1 double socket.

He wants this "Tidied" up.

I am thinking of 2 options:

1: Run new SWA from Dist board. Fixed to outside of house and then under ground 600mm to garage and then into garage RCD Dist unit with 6 and 16 amp MCB's

2: Leave as is but where the 4mm T&E enters the garage put onto RCD Dist unit and run new lights and sockets.

The main Dist board in the house is RCD Protected and is TN-S.

Any criticism to the above? any pointers?


I only have one thought as to your options,,,,, why?

Unless there are problems that you're not telling us then it sounds like it's compliant.

The only thing at I'd question is - are there any extraneous conductive parts that need bonding in the garage?

I only have one thought as to your options,,,,, why?Unless there are problems that you're not telling us then it sounds like it's compliant.

The only thing at I'd question is - are there any extraneous conductive parts that need bonding in the garage?
the steel conduit?

I would not like to know the state of the steel conduit after years of being buried underground!

The current conduit is bonded. There is no conduit in the garage, The wire just comes out the floor. I am hoping the cable is protected under ground.

You are right - WHY!!

Its all compliant as is (as long as the cable is protected under ground)

Perhaps ill just add the RCD Garage unit for him and tidy up the cables in place or suggest he leaves as is.

I think I would first do an insulation test on the existing cable to see what state its in then you can decide if any action is required.

Hi there,

If the board in the house is RCD protected, why use an RCD board in the garage?? I know it would be safer in one respect, [two RCD's in series are hardly going to fail at the same time] but how would you ensure discrimination between the one in the garage and the one in the house??

Seeing as you are looking to run the supply in SWA, why not, NOT have an RCD at the house end, and at the garage end use RCBO's one for the sockets, and if needed, another separate one for the lights, This means if one does trip out, you will not have to run back to the house to reset it, and two, there is less chance of switching on a power tool [say] and tripping all the lights off, when you might be working under a car in the dark...


Just a quick question is the garage seperate and what supply system does he have coming into the house?
Gavin, post 1 by OP does say TNS

Garage is seperate to house and is TNS as stated.

I have spoken to him this morning and told him not to bother doing anything with the garage, just tidy up the cabling already there as it will be wasted money.

Thanks for your help chaps.


Garage is seperate to house and is TNS as stated.I have spoken to him this morning and told him not to bother doing anything with the garage, just tidy up the cabling already there as it will be wasted money.

Thanks for your help chaps.

Is that without carrying out ANY tests? You may wish to reconsider depending on how close a friend he is!

Well its been fine for years with no issues. If he wants to run an IR test when im there doing the extension than I will.

When i told him the price to replace it to SWA he wasnt to impressed anyway!
