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Feb 18, 2008
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Called out at 7pm to a TNS suply "sockets tripped & crackling noise from behind dishwasher"

Find the crabtree cu & one of the 6amp mcb's is taped off....

"the electrician that put up the outside light did that because the mb is faulty & wont reset, so he has put all the lights on the same mcb"

Well it's not an ideal fix but if he is going o replace the mcb ok for a short while...

"we've been calling him for 6 onths but he doesnt turn up or more recently just ignors our calls"

I might have an mcb in the van so I'll change it while im here, but it is rare for them to go fault where they will not latch.

So I open the cu & it had a neat pile of brick dust inside, take out the taped off mcb & empty it of dust...........hey presto it now latches & works.

The last bloke had to have seen the piles of dust in the cu when he connected up the outside light, after all it was he who driled through the wall just above the cu.....25mm hole for a 1mm t/e over kill or what.

So all you newbies out there, there is a reason you are told to clean out the cu's before hand over to the customer.......and for all those time served who just let the dust fall into the should know chuffing better.

As for the fault I was called to loose conductors in the fused spur feeding the dishwasher................Zs test came in at 4.98ohms :| so checked Ze 3.87hms placed a call to SSE for the customer & left them waiting for the engineers.

Felt guilty charging them

if it was an on the way home job i would of charged about the same, so dont feel guilty for it. unless of course you didnt give a receipt :shakehead

Sent the invoice this morning by email.............will be paid by Bacs hopefully

Did a job with a fellow forum member yesterday.

Intermittent RCD trip, 2 of us on site, and we actually work very well together, and, the client got their monies worth from both of us being there.

We were there for 2.5 hours in total.

We both felt a bit guilty at the bill but the client had agreed to the charges up front.

We felt we did very little, but, it was our combined knowledge that sorted the issue.

So, don't feel guilty, it is your competence that makes you "quick" at finding the faults etc.

This competence comes at a cost, training, experience, having the materials on the van to fix the job etc.

Did a job with a fellow forum member yesterday.Intermittent RCD trip, 2 of us on site, and we actually work very well together, and, the client got their monies worth from both of us being there.

We were there for 2.5 hours in total.

We both felt a bit guilty at the bill but the client had agreed to the charges up front.

We felt we did very little, but, it was our combined knowledge that sorted the issue.

So, don't feel guilty, it is your competence that makes you "quick" at finding the faults etc.

This competence comes at a cost, training, experience, having the materials on the van to fix the job etc.
fixed a fault the other day, empty house, just me and the joiner, this joiner had been present a few weeks back when I done a fault also in a void council house,

he was waiting for some power to be turned back on so got interested in what I was doing, so spoke to me and asked me what I was doing,

broken/poor E cont, powered up and started taking ELI at sockets, big jump between 2 sockets in kitchen, and a fused spur between, killed power and took spur off, E hanging loose.

fault fixed and <20mins,

FFS says joiner how did you find that with only taking one thing off,? you did that the last time too, and those other guys screw almost everything in the house off and take hours to fix stuff like that!

taking a reading is one thing, understanding and interpeting that reading is something entirely different.!

finding faults is NOT what you do, its HOW you do it.!

I know its an old joke, but its still true

Machine breaks down (any machine for the sake of the joke)

Engineer comes out

Looks at machine

gets a large hammer out of tool bag

hits machine with hammer, machine starts to work

Customer say What do I owe you"
