D.I.Y. sparks

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Junior Member
Mar 7, 2009
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what du all think of this??? a women i know has just purchased a 2 bed house, and asks me to " check the electrics" so i say no probs, will be

The moment a potential client starts messing you about, with requirements (and calling the shots).

You know it's bad news, I can't be bothered with customers like this, avoid at all costs..


just remind them that they its illegal for you to sign off their work, and that they are in contravention of BS7671 (since there obviously not going to give certs).

Then make sure you avoid them in future. May lose a few quid, but its better than loads of grief from them in

Do not under any circumstances sign off some other persons work.

You will be liable for any comebacks, I have an insurance policy like all tradesmen for such an event. I protect my policy by only giving a certificate for the work I carry out, and I am covered by public liabilty and professional indemnity.

Why is it that they will do their own electrics and yet employ a gardener or kitchen fitter!

Sorry if anyone is a kitchen fitter(limited (I will do a cu change) Scope).

I was actually thinking of carrying out the inspection after, and ripping it to shreds.. but realize it would only be a waste of my time for some little pleasure i may get....

I had been trading about 2 weeks when I first got a call from a builder, got his own spark, old guy, really good but not part P. Would I sign off for him, it will mean plenty of money for me just signing it off. Er, guess what, no thanks.

Then I get my dad asking, his mate had an extension built, got it done with his own builders on the cheap, but he doesn't have any certs for the electrics, he'd pay me of course - thats another no then.

Finally my mother phones up the other day, my cousins done some electrical work in his house and needs it signing off. She's already told them not to bother asking me as I wont do it - at last someones getting the message !!!!!

If we all stuck to our guns and stopped helping mates out for cash the system would actually work and in the end we make more money for all of us.

Best one I have had is when a builder called me, almost everyday, to come and view the first fix so that the plasterers could board up and skim,then phoned me everyday to come and give him a certificate so building control could sign it off.

He is still waiting, such is my stuberness. What part of I dont do that do they not understand?

Now depending what the proposed work was and in what room - there may be no problem anyone adding lights of sockets to an existing circuit not in a SL!

I know I'm not a spark - but some of us can work to a decent standard. The last thing I want to do is burn my house down or electrocute my girlfriend!

If you want to clip your own cats claws good luck to you! ;)

If you want to clip your own cats claws good luck to you! ;)
If you want to do the work yourself thats up to you but (and no offence meant) dont ask me to put my name to it.

You wouldn't find a gas fitter letting you connect the boiler then just do a quick check for you, why should this be any different.

If you want to do the work yourself thats up to you but (and no offence meant) dont ask me to put my name to it. You wouldn't find a gas fitter letting you connect the boiler then just do a quick check for you, why should this be any different.
I hear of quite a few Gorgi blokes checking and signing off other plumbers work TBH . Take your point with other sparks work , you can't do an EIC anyway, only on your own work, you could do a PIR but thats not acceptable by LBC .

I hear of quite a few Gorgi blokes checking and signing off other plumbers work TBH . Take your point with other sparks work , you can't do an EIC anyway, only on your own work, you could do a PIR but thats not acceptable by LBC .
when you do work in your own house and not a spark the LBC send an electrician in to test your work surely this must be a PIR as you can not do a EIC for some one elses work.

I get quite a few requests for certs. At first I turned them down. Now I do them!!!!

They ask for a cert I go out charge

Had one of these requests yesterday in the wholesalers, builder at the counter getting cable & the like, starts getting chatty & asks if anybody (3 sparks in there on the coffee with wholesaler manager & lad) would like to earn

I always tell them that I can only do a pir. They always agree as they have no choice. The stupid thing is sometimes the local council acept it . There is no breach of contract. As a fully NICEIC approved contractor who has all his qualification and having been in the job for nearly 30years including a full apprenticeship and years working for MANWEB I know what I am talking about. I am not some DIY spark who sits round on his elbows apache!

The only reason why I will never sign off anyones work but my own is the fact that it could come back to bite you on the bum.

You have proved on an official document that you installed the cable that caught fire because of an unprotected joint in a cavity partition, burning down a house which has to be rebuilt, the fine for doing it, the cost of the insurance claim and the local newspaper dragging your name through hell. Not worth it.

my lady has a builder as a client and it was mentioned that we were looking to have a new bathroom fitted in the future...

he has been on ther phone pressuring for the work.....saying i can plaster/tile/pluming and the electrics !!!!

electrics she said are you part p because its a special location ???

no i dont bother with that !!!

well my man is a sparky and will go mad if you touch the electrics...

his reply .......... wait for it !!!!!

" i'll touch the electrics if i want !! "

click as my girlie put the phone down !!!!!!!


i know who he is ,,,,,i might follow him around pick up some work
