Domestic Fire alarms

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Ask for an explanation mate quoting 7671, eawr, Pt P & ESQCR, if he gives one meet it, if not tell him he should butt out and let you do your job as you are the competent person not him!

batty,Ask for an explanation mate quoting 7671, eawr, Pt P & ESQCR, if he gives one meet it, if not tell him he should butt out and let you do your job as you are the competent person not him!
I think it would be better in a cupboard so it probably will be done but it just suprises me the different ideas they have perhaps some are 5 dayers.


It is doubtful that the LA inspector is qualified at all to comment on your install.

IF you are the CP then tell them where to go, else get a written explanation why their requirements must be met.

Looks like it is happening more and more nowadays. If some of the companies use their own stipulations, some of which are very hard, then it can only be a good thing. I did a PIR recently with an electrical engineer overlooking my every test. At first I was a bit miffed (disapointed) but I quickly won over my inspector, when I showed him little tricks to quicken some tests, and interpretation of some results. Full CDM and permit to work was in place, as was the requirement for a full calibration of test equipment to iso blah blah blah. Was a good learning experiance for me as well, and have changed some of my usual methods, getting rid of my bad habbits and exepting my limits.

We don't seem to be any the wiser for whether smokes are required on a rewire or not?Does anyone have a definative answer?
Yes they are, its under the Part P which is a building regulation and not BS 7671,compliance is only acheived when all building regulations are followed, for the electrician this will involve more than simply Part P, it involves Part L, Part B, Part whatever and more.

Under a partial rewire, there is no requirement to install hard wired smokes, or a fire alarm system. This again is subject to a risk assessment. (by you the competant person). Often any extention to a property the building regulations will require the linking of the smoke alarm system be made to the exsisting building, easily done with a 3 core linked to any smoke present, which is often missing!

At present only AC registered companies have to have all documents and litrature relevant to their work present for inspection on assessment, I now see a requirement in the future for DI's to have the same BS books and guidance if , in the normal practice of their work they install fire alarms, and intruder alarms or any other systems not covered by BS7671

This may be subject to your area, where I operate the LABC will insist that hard wired smokes are fitted, I have been involved through the ESC as an advisor to LABC's and I am fully aware of the inconsistances we face. Most is down to effective training and on going refereshment courses, which in my veiw never take place. As a competant person you are expected to know more and by submitting any application, you are also stating that all building regulations have been adhered to, this is then taken as a signed document that you have done all to the required standards. Any failure found after the fact is down to you.


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