double pole isolator fitting - Britsih Gas or Scottish Power?

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Junior Member
Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
Hi All

Perhaps someone would be kind enough to enlighten me as to who I would need to contact for the fitting of a two pole isolator at a property to allow for the fitting of a new consumer unit.

The DNO is Scottish Power, the energy supplier is British Gas.


supplier. who will then pass the job onto DNO (or meter company).

or in most cases, supplier, who will then tell you to phone DNO, who will then tell you to phone supplier, who will then say to phone meter company, who will then say DNO, who will then say supplier.... and so on

Thanks for all your replies. Had a look on BGs website, sent them an email for contact number/details for installation of 2 pole isolator. Had a reply in a few hours with a freephone number to ring. Contacted them, given appointment for next monday. Rather impressed!

Thanks for all your replies. Had a look on BGs website, sent them an email for contact number/details for installation of 2 pole isolator. Had a reply in a few hours with a freephone number to ring. Contacted them, given appointment for next monday. Rather impressed!
I assume then that BG are the electricity supplier for the property? I tried them and they were dead helpful on the phone quoting I think about

Just an update on my original post, British Gas appeared, took one look at the ancient service cut out and advised he would get Scottish Power to upgrade it before he fitted the isolator, and three hours later Scottish Power were on the doorstep. New sevice cut-out and about an hour later a two pole isloator fitted and he left me some nice long coloured tails for the new consumer unit. Well impressed!

+1 for BG.

Just been to see my parents and they have BG for their gas and electric. Might have helped that Dad is a BG pensioner. They came out this week to upgrade both meters to "smart" ones. All left nice and tidy in the two cupboards. The meter guy also fitted a Wylex 2P isolator FOC after the meter. New 25mm sq tails also fitted. PLUS they left a wireless LCD meter thingy so they can keep track of their energy usage.

How annoying that a GAS company can offer a better electrical service than an ELECTRICITY company. :(

Or as that well known supplier from over the water might say: "Parce que nous ne donnons pas une *****!"

......Oh come on! The swear filter picks up French words too?????
