drawing check please.

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Searley , in the Heinemann 2330 level 2 book page 129 Fig 6.10 for intermediate in conduit page 131 fig 6.15 for intermediate with mutlicore cables (Twin & Earth)

Have to do this in the AM2 for a lighting circuit we have to use twin & earth from the DB to the first switch and so on
When I did the AM2 it was all wired in singles, including the two-way and intermediate switching. Apart from the FP200, MIMS and XLPE/SWA. Definitely no T&E.

the lighting circuit was for the new AM2 i done today.you have 3 wires at the first switch.

twin & earth from the db, twin and earth from switch 1 to light,and then strapper wires to intermediate switch and then to last switch.

the correct drawing is on here some where.thanks for everybody who helped.

Is there one or two twin and earths from the DB? Do you just put the neutrals and earths in connectors?

just 1 twin & earth from DB.

neutral from DB and neutral from twin & earth from switch 1 to light in connecter.

Ok thanks, is the whole lighting circuit in twin and earth?

Do they use the wago connections in am2?

hello searley i will be doing the new am2 next week. Is there advice you could give me. Thanks in advance

is there a separate emergency light or is it built in the normal light fitting?

no emergency light.just a lighting circuit 2 way & intermediate you have to take 3 wires to the first switch and wire it from there just remember to mark switching cables.

1 carbon monoxide detector

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yes, that would work. but for the cables you are only using one live conductor, you can use single core & earth (or for the neutral, just DI single core)
