Drayton HTS3 cylinder thermostat - wiring

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Aug 31, 2022
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Have recently had our hot water cylinder replaced
The plumber/electrician re-used original HTS3 thermostat
We noticed that hot water seemed to be very hot & thermostat set screw didn't seem to make any difference
Got the plumber/electrician back in - they suggested that thermostat needed replacing

As this unit is ONLY 3 wires - thought I would do this myself

Having got new HTS3 unit

Switched off local timer/control box power in airing cupboard
removed cover off of original HTS3
Took photos of wiring connections

disconnected old unit

wired up new unit

strapped it to cylinder

Switched back on & waited for a while

NO hot water

Switched off local timer/control box power in airing cupboard
removed cover off of new HTS3

checked wiring against photo
Have managed to swap the 'Satisfied' & 'Call for heat' wires over

??Has this killed the HTS3 unit
??Has this killed my timer/control box

Have removed new HTS3 unit
Put back original HTS3 unit --- with correct wiring
Switched back on
Pump comes on for ~5 secs then shuts down

Appreciate any help
Replacing the tank shouldn’t have affected the original tank stat, so this maybe points to another issue.

when you say no hot water - when the heating is set to water, have you tried adjusting the tank stat temperature up and down?
Hi - Yes have turned thermostat to max & min settings
Not triggering boiler/pump - so no hot water

??did getting wires wrong kill something