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No Longer Here
Feb 2, 2015
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Watching the documentary now. I was 13 when this happened. I can sort of remember it. 

Now I am a father I can only watch in sadness. But happy that my son will grow up in a country that has never had legalised hand guns in his life time. 

So I am sitting here now, thinking of what those poor children would have been doing now. It is so important that these things never get forgotten. 

Not many people know this but tennis star Andy Murray , as a small boy at that school,  had hidden in a cupboard when that nutter was on his killing spree .   That Loony-Tune slipped through the net and was armed to the teeth with legal weapons If I remember correctly.

Another one in Hungerford , I think .

I know of people here in the city with licensed shotguns .......... whats all that about ?... Must be all these flocks of sheep grazing away in the green Birmingham pleasant pastures green that need protecting from foxes. 

I take your point Essex , which is a good one but as we know, as in this area , the bad guys still have the guns .

I now understand the logic of the American I heard who said , " If some low life is coming after my family with a gun , I need to be able to defend them " .

The original Colt 45 , I think, was called "The Equaliser"    Makes you think though , don't it. ?

We watched  ITV morning news a few days ago on the anniversary. They were interviewing a woman who  hid in the cupboard with Andy Murray. She was shot 2 times in the leg though and never regained use of that leg. Very sad story. That same day i was working for a scoutmaster.
